Chat GPT Did NOT Like My Memory Test to – 168 points –

I was trying to do a memory test to see how far back 3.5 could recall information from previous prompts, but it really doesn't seem to like making pseudorandom seeds. 😆


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In a learning age band so bespoke, and education professionals so highly paid and resourced, I can't imagine why this would be an attractive option.

Maybe we let professionals decide what tool is best for their field

Maybe we let professionals decide what tool is best for their field

Hey, really appreciated. Having random potentially uneducated, inexperienced people chime in on what they think I'm doing wrong in my classroom based on the tiniest snippet of information really shouldn't matter, but it's disheartening nontheless.

While I take their point, I also wouldn't walk into a garage and tell someone what they're doing wrong with a vehicle, or tell a doctor I ran into on the streets that they're misdiagnosing people based on a comment I overheard. Yet, because I work with children, I get this all the time. So, again, appreciated.

I definitely get that. I do think it's a little different, though, because every single human being has been a child, while no human has been a car. We tend to have opinions on education because the prevailing wisdom often failed us during our own school years.

I don't think that it's totally unreasonable to expect some amount of input by other people who've been through the education system.