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Joined 11 months ago

In a learning age band so bespoke, and education professionals so highly paid and resourced, I can't imagine why this would be an attractive option.

Maybe we let professionals decide what tool is best for their field

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I like VPNs because you get a colorful selection of who to potentially get man in the middle attacked by.

I had no idea this was happening and I'm so relieved it hasn't.

The huge popularity of free-to-play online games such as Fortnite and Roblox consumes hours of playtime that had previously been spent on $70 titles

Wonder if people buy less of things if they are more expensive but not as good as the things they already have.

Purposefully not descriptive enough. People do it on the R site too even though there's no real benefit or way to see that you're getting people to click through.

I value the principled approach and slower pace, the low tolerance for stirring. Moderation has such a huge effect on feel and the big ones never did enough to try to build healthy communities. Beehaw has mostly taken the sting out and I'd hate to see that lost.

so in twenty years this comment will be "we only ai generated like respectable men" under an article about the formerly Twitter X Friendcorp LinkedIn For Friends headquarters being invaded by naked Taylor swift robots

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Affinity was an affordable and featured alternative to the Adobe suite, but just sold to canva so yay capitalism

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Not incredibly surprising given how little it's been updated and how things like clicking links doesn't work. Definitely exhausted by how aggressively things are just getting worse now.

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Others have said it better but sorry that you had to experience that

If lemmy doesn't support expanding remote hosted images from platforms like imgur or whatever that's probably a good feature to look for in a new platform. If it does, things are obviously getting to a point where you need to reduce what you need to worry about, to help focus on moderation and keeping things running. Block listing urls is easier than running and hoping on an ai.

Otherwise I think disabling images or giving the ability only to financial supporters or strongly verified accounts via upvote counts, number of reputable or discussed posts, or and age of account are the only sane moves.

Personally I don't mind clicking through for an image if it interests me.

insomnia itself and especially caused by trauma can be much more harmful, the author did choose a weird and stereotypical example but if you can't even get a night's relief from your stressful impossible to escape situation. after years of a situation why wouldn't you just assume the long term is bleak and prioritize short term counter productive relief.

assuming dying is something you'd be avoiding at all costs at that point really shows a lack of empathy

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I need to keep things new or hopeful, so trying new systems, new supports like therapy, or arrangements with friends to do a little work and exercise. DBT has a lot of small things that help

Systems I've tried:

  • On/Off days: I can push and try to be normal, and expect it will make stuff harder the day after and probably crash
  • Straight outta the house: work from a coffee store instead of home esp if I feel laggy
  • Improve the moment (dbt) I'm going to stay in bed, what are two things I can do to feel less shitty while I do, usually this is take meds, drink water, pee.
  • do something different, I was depressed as hell and not leaving bed more than a few times a week and kinda decided to try standup, going and watching gave me a lot of inspiration and realized these people aren't that great. I've moved onto Improv, but a lot of the people I met there keep popping up
  • Choose a depression station, maybe a chair that isn't bed or a relaxing couch. This video has some good ideas on maintaining mental boundaries if physically isn't possible. I like how it suggests to think of the hygiene of your different stations.

I still have down times, and still using a tonne of supports. But happy to talk about it as it's shit and not fun for anyone.

Personally it's not that it's slow, it just holds on to weird patterns for way too long, kinda like how new outlook just feels like old outlook with a new skin. Whenever I open edge, it loads. Whenever I open firefox, it's the "Firefox is installing updates" window that's probably been there since the 90s. Refusing to honor the 'close multiple tabs' etc. It's minor stuff but when there's an objectively better way to do things, it's just annoying.

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Jenny Nicholson is super knowledgeable on theme parks and online culture in general and is why I have watched four hours about a theme park I'll never visit, very funny and interesting.

Polygon have Simone who is hilarious and now Xtina who just did their first forty minute dive into vtuber culture which I'm looking forward to watching. There's back catalogue of Jenna Stoeber here which is worth watching even though the company were stupid and got rid of her. (the three other people in the video team are great too)

Jenna Stoeber has been building up her new channel, there's been some anime, horror and gaming videos so far, she's also streaming if I remember right. Usually an instant watch for me

It's WoW and she's pretty well known if you're in the community but Hazelnuttygames is very chill and covers some of her life stuff as well as the game at the end of her videos.

(edit) Bonus round: Her internet sludge video was very cool

When looking back with green tinted glasses green tractors just look like normal tractors

Elex II
Expeditions: Rome
The Gunk
Nobody Saves the World
Midnight Fight Express

I'm not 100% on what you're after. But in a past life I set up an XSL stylesheet to transform an XML file into a website via Php. it's feasible you could set something similar up. XSL/XPath as a query language is really slick and similar to CSS, as templating language it's not amazing but might suit your case.

Somehow it's still going so it really shows that technical debt is forever.

But that's expensive and they can't sell it

The monthly log in bullet journaling, along with the life logging thing where you just write things down as you do them, has a nice spam->review cycle, your most important stuff tends to bubble up anyway.

What they don't mention is that some of their printers don't work on the 5ghz band, which means that it's difficult to get it to work with newer routers and band switching. This also breaks usb printing and wifi direct printing. Print anywhere barely works and other fun times since trying out one of their printers.

I'm trying to get the last few cards in the pokemon trading card game on switch, I've been cheating with the rewind feature which has made life slightly less painful but it seems to pre calculate your coin flips so not as powerful as it could be, also played some tabletop simulator and started doing dragon riding races in WoW as part of that event. It's been a crazy year for releases so it's nice having some downtime

Isn't there a setting in loop habits that disables accidental click protection (the long click)

Seems like it didn't get them all, which is a shame because they're really interesting

Compared to other sites, and their relative costs to run, and amount of ads. YouTube has been fairly ok. They have balanced the consumer friendly skip this video and sometimes short ads with the probably higher engagement metrics from them.

However YouTube the lite plan being discontinued right before this mostly means I'm going to move from Gmail to Zoho and wait for the ban.

The final YouTube lite plan didn't include removing ads from music, which seems to suggest the reason why YouTube music is bundled and maybe even exists, is in part the music industry being shitty.

Same I've replaced finishing pikmin with blasting through the oracles games

Affinity photo has a free trial and a buy once keep forever alternative for indesign, illustrator and photoshop. Gimp is none of those.

We do this every single windows release, the major downside of faster version cadences is we're going to get multiple versions as the "best version".

Governments should set a standard house price for new buyers and cover the difference. Each generation pays the same relative amount as previous generations, and capital gains / land value tax claws back money from people that take the piss and over-value their houses to take advantage of this scheme.

Lcd soundsystem: home

for a lot of reasons

they're just prequels really, I can't remember anything groundbreaking. It'd /maybe/ be better to play 3 and vice city first, but it's mostly just callbacks. Liberty city stories protag is just a quest giver. Neither super spoils the other but I might be wrong.

Mercury was a before release review game, which for mobile graphics was pretty mind blowing for me at the time of release.

They have a crisp cubish feel which was fun, I remember playing around with mods

That's also assuming true artificial intelligence isn't just an emergent property of electrical grids, networks and computers. Like that thing where it seems like computers are listening, maybe they are.

Not really relevant but it's funny that pomodoro was originally physical anyway

Finally a spokesperson for full stops.

I think there was a combination of what's the point just make a better one (paint 3D), move fast and break things (onenote win 10, not going back and making the original better), real fear of if it's not broken don't fix it, the rest of windows code being a complete mess, a decade worth of updates to legacy ui components and frameworks starting with windows 8 finally passing triage, and dedicated ui teams like the one lead by Jen Gentleman arguing internally for not sexy projects that match or improve how people actually use the OS.

Stuff like the windows terminal and vscode must have been pretty humbling for internal teams working on monolith legacy projects like visual studio which all professional developers were assumed to graduate to eventually. It's been interesting times