NBC News demands Trump campaign take down fake clip of reporter | Semafor

dexa_scantron@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 389 points –
NBC News demands Trump campaign take down fake clip of reporter | Semafor

A senior Trump advisor shared a video that seems to show an NBC reporter badmouthing Republican presidential candidates. It appears AI was used to imitate the reporter's voice.


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Defamation, slander, libel, something along those lines.

This isn't any of those things. Also good luck proving it in court. Onus is on the reporter here.

Oh no, the Trumplets found Lemmy.

Using AI to literally put words in someone else's mouth when they have a public reputation and a job that centers around that reputation is called defamation. A judge or jury would only need to determine if the reporter actually said those words live, which has already shown to not be the case, then determine damage to their reputation and how much to reinburse them for said damages.

Since you have no public reputation, I can claim you're retarded and it's not defamation. Learning the difference is important.

You aren't at risk anyways, they've clearly demonstrated their lack of intelligence to begin with.

The second part may very well be true, the Trump campaign team could likely get off scott free using the Tucker Carlson defense. The first part is nonsense though. A fake video that makes someone look like an asshole is absolutely defamatory.