Motorola Razr 2023 Review: Nonplussed - MrMobile to – 76 points –
Motorola Razr 2023 Review: Nonplussed

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Downvotes are to display disagreement. So if I disagree, I downvote.

Edit: I think people have misunderstood my point. What you use the button for isn't relevant here... The button is for voting whether you like or dislike something. If you don't find something interesting, you don't vote, and if it seems Irrelevant, you invoke the Moderators.

Interesting, I use them for relevancy/irrelevancy to the discussion

Understandable. Although, I think the report features are usually in place for such actions, right?

Like, if my comment makes no sense under a certain post, or if my post is irrelevant to the community, then wouldn't reporting it to the mods be the more logical action than just downvoting?

No. If I disagree, I hit reply.

Sure. That's you. But these rating systems came from the idea of Like/Dislike, meaning you like or dislike something. You don't rate it if you have no opinion.

At least, that's what I understand.

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