Mike Johnson is evil and controlled by the devil, says Christian minister

CantaloupeLifestyle@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 835 points –
Mike Johnson is evil and controlled by the devil, says Christian minister

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I don't know if this weird little man is controlled by the xtian devil, but I do know that like so many of today's cons/GOP, he is one creepy weirdo. A party filled with creepy weirdos.

Imagine thinking your god (note the lack of a capital g the provincial xtians love to use) gives you a right to poke around in others' lives.

Xtians? Are we serious? Good grief lol

I can't tell what that means ?

Think of it as how the shorthand version of CHRISTmas is Xmas and it make a tad more sense albeit still a rather unnecessary abbreviation in this situation.

I mean, strictly speaking, are not all abbreviations unnecessary? Sticking-my-tongue-out ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange symbol face.

It serves a purpose to be concise within professional circles but you do have to be more descriptive with the general public sometimes. Nobody gonna know what CYP2D6 means unless you explain it.

(It's a liver enzyme that metabolizes various things)

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I just want to pause here and say that this kind of thing, much like basically any bumper sticker ever, is stupid as fuck and I hate it. Whether it's my dumb fucking cousin saying "Killary" or equally annoying mouth breathers talking about "Drumpf." Like, I'm as atheist as the day is long, and holy shit does it make the parent comment annoying to read. Your super great "hillary lied, people died" bumper sticker, the "honk if Trump should go to jail," just all of it. It sucks, I hate it, it's the laziest form of persuasion (spoilers, it's persuading no one, it's just pissing off the people you want to convince.) Oh you didn't capitalize the 'g'? Well fuck it's me the pope, let's peace out and go get tacos this Jesus thing was dumb anyway.

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