The fashion industry is still pushing crazy thin body images to Mildly – 385 points –

Apologies for the low resolution. It was a mobile ad and all I could get was a screenshot.


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God I hope so. They might send stupid, sexy brainwashed male models to crush my head between their thick, masculine thighs if I happened to be correct.

Yeah, the general reason such thin models are used is to put the focus on the cloths and not on the models body. If they use people who are well endowed, then people are only looking at the model's tits and ass.

TBH that statement rings true. It's so much easier to make a fit look good if you're skinny. Also, when you're doing a photoshoot there's always the possibility of the model bailing at the last minute. So, to keep the photoshoot going with another model you don't need to keep multiple sizes just slap that clothing on and use clips to make it fit nice.

Also this is anecdotal, my partner is 5'5 and weighs 90 lbs and it's so easy for them to make an outfit it's crazy.