Pluralistic: “If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing”

Gaywallet (they/it) to – 350 points –

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They made a justification. They showed you how people couldn't make these things without people paying for them.

They showed you how people couldn’t make these things without people paying for them.

but that's not true. people make things all the time without being paid.

people make things all the time without being paid.

Less people make things without being paid than those who make things to get paid. That is a common fact we can both agree on. If you need the number of open source games compared to the number of paid games then I recommend you grab those numbers yourself.

"snake game" returns over one hundred twenty thousand results on github.

You are equating someone's terrible hobby project to paid games like it's 1 to 1. You are simply arguing in bad faith. Have a good day though, hopefully, one day we can converse properly.

you're moving the goalposts.

Not at all. I just assumed you understood the basics of quality.

you never mentioned 'quality' until you wanted to disqualify data that didn't support your position.

Yes, because there is a basic assumption. Those projects aren't consumer-facing games. Those are hobbies. You know it and you are simply arguing in bad faith. I know actual game developers who released their games for free or under a pay-what-you-want model. They refuse to do so again because they can't support themselves by doing it. I am a game developer and I won't release my games for free because I need to support myself. There is all the data you need. Find me other data saying otherwise.

You know it and you are simply arguing in bad faith

this is rich coming from someone who is moving the goal posts.

I know actual game developers who released their games for free or under a pay-what-you-want model. They refuse to do so again because they can’t support themselves by doing it. I am a game developer and I won’t release my games for free because I need to support myself. There is all the data you need.

the plural of "anecdote" is not "data"

It's more relevant data than you are providing.

your insistence on relevance is giving the lie to your denial about moving the goalposts.

this doesn't prove anyone ever needs to be paid to make something. a single counter example disproves the claim.

github shows a hundred thousand repositories for the query "hangman". assuming 10% of them are false positives it's still a great number.

there are over one hundred fifty thousand results on github for "tictactoe".

just how many paid games do you think there are, by the way?