YouTube uses lower quality options on browsers running on Arm-based systems — misreporting as an x86 CPU appears to be a widespread browser fix

Lee to – 587 points –
YouTube uses lower quality options on browsers running on Arm-based systems — misreporting as an x86 CPU appears to be a widespread browser fix

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It seems somewhat damning that Google’s own browser had a workaround for this, though

was it ignorance or malicious intent?

if it was a person, i would try and assume ignorance.. im not sure google the company deserves such respect

Or it's a company so fuckoff huge that one department (Chrome on Android) couldn't get a bug report escalated in another department (YouTube). Eventually they just put in a UA workaround while the bug rots in a backlog somewhere. Common enterprise bullshit.

Or the Chrome on Android team didn't even bother reporting the issue to YouTube and just threw in a cheap workaround. Also common enterprise bullshit.

Bingo. When I was a Chrome developer working on video stuff, we mostly treated YouTube like a separate company. Getting our stuff to work with theirs was a priority, but no more than, say, Netflix. We pretty much treated them as a black box that consumed the same API we provided for everyone.