In post-Roe America, women detail agony of being forced to carry nonviable pregnancies to term to politics – 611 points –
In post-Roe America, women detail agony of being forced to carry nonviable pregnancies to term

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Don't you know? All those abortions you hear about are for evil hussies who can't stop getting with men.

But if I have complications, I get to still have a medical procedure to terminate my pregnancy, right?


Awww shit, you right. I forgot that women are all just cum sluts and men are perfect angels who do nothing wrong ever. Good wholesome folks will have access to abortions if they’re life threatening without issue, suuuuurely

It seems you might have missed their sarcasm.

… Except mine was also obviously sarcastic. Which you missed.

No, I didn’t miss it at all, but your sarcasm was written in a way that seemed to imply you missed theirs (which is why it was so heavily downvoted). The person you replied to even edited their comment to add an /s tag because your reply made them think you missed it.