How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? to – 613 points –

On a recent post, there were a lot of comments, which said that they were missing the headphones on newer mobile devices.

How many actually use the headphone jack?

I ask, because I have one on my phone, since I really wanted one, but I rarely use it. Like Tops 1/Month.


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I use wired headphones easily 80% of the time I use any electronic device capable of sound, and >99% of the time I'm actually listening to that sound. I would sooner take a phone without speakers than without a dedicated 3.5mm jack. (I could be convinced with two USB-C ports though)

I don't need more weight on my ears, another thing that can die, either buds that can be lost or an all-in-one that can't survive my pocket, and I definitely don't need another drain on my phone's battery. I'm not against Bluetooth headphones in general (I do use an over-ear set occasionally), but they will never be my go-to.

A proper poll on use time/duty cycle would be interesting.

Qudelix 5k is a good amp/dac, should have no problem in your pocket

Another thing that I need to charge and more drain on the phone, when the phone is right there? And I still need to mess with cables? Plus $146 is more than I've spent on audio equipment in my entire life. This feels like the worst of both worlds for me.