Americans agree that the 2024 election will be pivotal for democracy, but for different reasons to politics – 89 points –
Americans agree that the 2024 election will be pivotal for democracy, but for different reasons

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The 59-year-old Republican also said the various criminal cases being brought against Trump undermine the country’s democratic traditions.

This is how you know Republicans don't understand what democracy is, complete or otherwise. I mean, neither do Democrats, frankly, but...Republicans are by far the most ignorant demographic of voters.

They are completely incapable of entertaining the idea that just maybe Trump is a fucking criminal and should be prosecuted.

There's no maybe. Trump has committed a dozen crimes on Twitter alone, for all to see.

Conservatives are terrorist sympathisers, at best — Republicans are no different to the Germans who thought Hitler would make Germany great again.

Serious question: what crimes has he committed on Twitter?

Trump lies to them and says it is a witch hunt. The Democrats are just doing this to stop him from winning the 2024 election.

It is crazy that they only listen to Trump and right wing talking heads and believe them.