Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s Top-Secret Hawaii Compound | WIRED to – 255 points –
Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s Top-Secret Hawaii Compound

A WIRED investigation just revealed Mark Zuckerberg's years-long construction of a lavish, bunker-equipped sprawling compound in Hawaii.

The details:

The nearly completed Koolau Ranch spans 1,400 acres with over a dozen buildings, 30 bedrooms, off-grid power and food, helipads and underground bunkers with blast-resistant doors.

Costs eclipse $270 million — with reports of extreme NDAs muzzling hundreds of workers, lawsuits targeting landholders, and Zuckerberg reps allegedly clashing with press.

Political ties abound as the Chan/Zuckerberg donations flow, including hiring a former council chair and funding a former vice chair's nonprofit.

While tech entrepreneurs have a history of doomsday prepping, Zuck sounds like he’s taking this Hawaiian hideaway to the next level.


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A live volcano chain is not somewhere I would build a bunker.

the probability of a zombie apocalypse AND a volcano eruption happening at the same time is probably not that high.

and as a location for a weekend house, hawaii has nice climate and is significantly closer to california than new zealand...