58 Post – 266 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

One of the reasons I explore the high seas is that some shows I want to watch are not legally available to watch in my region at all.

Never surprising to hear of yet another Google service shutting down.

Seriously, browsing the internet without an adblocker is a horrible experience. So Firefox with ublock origin is my go to.

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Same. Didn't even get any youtube pop-ups regarding adblocker detection. Also no slowing down observed (as was reported in some articles a while back).

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Tubular. It's a fork of newpipe incorporating sponsorblock and youtube dislike.

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And I've been using only newpipe and freetube since this all started. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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I've had zero issues watching YouTube on Firefox with ublock origin. Not one warning received,no performance issues.

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For ebooks versions of books that are no longer under copyright: project gutenberg.

And similarly for audiobooks: Librivox. It's a website and is also available as an app.

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I change my socks and give them for washing after every use. It's kinda necessary as I sweat a lot.

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That was an interesting twist

I love that Mozilla supports extensions on mobile. But I wish they would provide PWA support on desktop. I end up having to use edge for PWAs.

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This is just atrocious.

I don't do gaming and don't understand or use Linux. But I have found lots of cute cats, dogs, beautiful photography on Mastodon. Also had occasional conversations about books. I would suggest that you consider keywords of what kind of content you want to see and browse hashtags of those keywords and interact with people.

Never in my case. So definitely not true for "everyone".

Such a cute derp! I want to boop his nose!

I definitely don't. They give me a headache.

Enjoy browsing Risa. Content is good and the people are also chill.

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How is it that some people are completely unable to look beyond their own perspective

I can hear this photo. The husky tantrum is so loud

"“That’s not fair, you know. If we knew when we were going to die, people would lead better lives.” IF PEOPLE KNEW WHEN THEY WERE GOING TO DIE, I THINK THEY PROBABLY WOULDN’T LIVE AT ALL."

From Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett.

Nowadays I'm using tubular which is newpipe with sponsor block and youtube dislike incorporated.

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Does reading count as a hobby? Then that's my hobby.

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Didn’t face those issues on Firefox with ublock origin.

For me: good critical thinking skills, empathy, in touch with their emotions and loves reading books.

Managing my family's finances after my dad and grandpa passed away

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For me it's books. I try not to read The Discworld series too often. Same thing with a few of my favourite books: Jane Eyre, Ivanhoe, Villette, etc. I also try to ensure a long enough gap (few years) between each read so that details of the books become a bit hazy in my mind and I can enjoy my read almost like the first time.

Couple of weeks back I met a friendly cat for probably the second time in my life. Made me feel happy.

I would like to install the bring back youtube dislike extension. Otherwise I'm happy with what I have already

I will be reading books, watch some netflix (Star Trek voyager and prodigy) then sleep.

The algorithms made me bored of these platforms. I used to scroll twitter for 10 minutes then close the app because I would come across content filled with negativity. Then on youtube it seems like the videos suggested are those I am not interested in. Now that I have switched to newpipe, I find that I have so many more videos to watch. Recently I have started using Mastodon and I am liking it so far since I can tune my feed according to what I like to see using hashtags, following people and blocking/muting people. At least I haven't got bored yet. These secret algorithms don't seem to work for me. I wonder how people get addicted.?

Very interesting. I prefer to actually own the books I buy, so I always remove DRM from the ebooks which I purchase. And Amazon is trying its best to make the process as difficult as possible. At least using Calibre, it can be done only on older kindle pc versions.

There are plenty of crazies believing in conspiracy theories all over the world. Not just US or even the western world.

Mostly using DDG now for sometime. Once in a while need to use Google.

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Lol WhatsApp University

You mean "e" is forbidden in toots?

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OK I think that makes some sense, comparing it with hunger. Interesting.

I just clean the lenses of my glasses with my cotton t-shirt. I need to clean my glasses twice a day because they get foggy due to my oily skin and oily eyelashes. I have not noticed any scratches yet (I have been using these glasses for around 5-6 years). However, I use glass lenses and not plastic lenses. The plastic ones scratch easily.

I live in a hot country so the best part of Winter is that it's not hot and I don't need to turn on the ac to sleep at night. Also, lower temperatures mean lower chances of getting a migraine for me. I'm always wishing for the weather to get colder!

I feel so bad for the poor husky. His coat would most probably not grow back well and his thermal regulation is fucked for good.