Toward a real-time decoding of images from brain activity to – 71 points –
Meta Just Achieved Mind-Reading Using AI

Imagine if our brains could be scanned and the contents of our thoughts could be read. A team of researchers and also Meta have just achieved this feat by using AI. This episode takes a look at it. Links:**

What do you think are the ramifications of this research?


I'm uncomfortable with Meta being involved

At this point, everyone should be uncomfortable with Meta EXISTING, let alone be involved with something that sounds like it could potentially lead to whole new kinds of violations!

How about what the title suggest... "The end of privacy"... Oh, and also total fascism...

Article doesn’t explicitly state this but it is very likely this would need to be trained extensively on each individual brain. So there would almost certainly be an explicit opt in.

Edit: didn’t watch the video. No thanks YouTube.

There was a similar study reported the other day about using FMRI imagining and AI to recreate the “thought content” of someone’s brain. It required training for the AI in the person’s brain and some other training. It does seem these techniques can work with some specified models, but yeah, it doesn’t seem like hooking someone’s brain up to this would create a movie of their mind or something.

I think the more dangerous part is “This is step 0,” which this tech would have seemed impossible 10 years ago. Very strange times.

This type of stuff is pretty cool even if we're still far away from understanding how the brain actually works. I'm not a fan of the clickbate surrounding it though.