19 Post – 614 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


if you devalue trans people in any way, including nb people, please block me

I respectfully request that you not refer to me using slurs

Dear people who tell LGBT+ people that we shouldn't care what some right-wing nutters think:

This is why we have to care. What they think does affect us, unfortunately.

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This blackout has really shown which subs have actual in-touch moderators, and which ones are just the admins' puppy dogs

A while ago, I had a comment auto-removed on WPT and got a message it was because my account was "not in good standing." When I messaged the WPT mods, they explained that they were test piloting a new tool the admins plan to use. For example, if you have a throwaway email address, no email address, or are connecting via VPN, you may be "not in good standing."

With things like that on the horizon, even if they roll back on what they're doing now, we're still not likely to have a very good time on that site.

I can't blame the mods who are trying to make change through protest (and who may not even be aware of the "not in good standing" BS), but I don't plan to stick around, and I don't foresee a very bright future for reddit at all.

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Tbh everyone just needs to leave reddit

Let the bots take over

It's always been Stormfront 2.0 anyway

Fuck reddit

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Not surprising in the least. I was part of an Amazon product review program, but I stopped participating after seeing multiple posts for pet treats that contained ingredients that are harmful to dogs. Reporting the listings was a nightmare, and they were never taken down.

Fuck you, Amazon.

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Because most of us dislike violence, even when it's necessary and justified.

Meanwhile, the rich have no problem using violence against us to protect their hoarded wealth or if they can profit from it in the slightest.

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Kelloggs has been on the wrong side of history from its conception when they tried to make people stop jerking it

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I'm sure it's much harder to manage a Premium subscription than it is to simply install uBO

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Really his most candid moment, when you think about it. "I demand you all love me" at gunpoint.

Horses are also privacy friendly, unlike your smart car

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I can't speak about lemmygrad since the instances I'm on all defederate from it, but Hexbear users have a reputation for being generally aggressive, grating, and immature. It's like that kid in class who keeps interrupting the teacher because they think they're funny and clever. e.g., some were screaming at me that I can't be an anarchist and I know nothing about anarchism since I'm married, replying with third-grade tier memes for some confusing reason

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There's an alternate timeline in which I actually give Bing and Edge a chance because Microsoft's not flinging their feces at their users constantly the way they are now

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"Let he who has not spread lies that instigated an attempted fascist coup throw the first pillow." -Jesus

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I'm not on beehaw, but I'm also not on an instance defederated from beehaw

I read the list of instances blocked by beehaw, and I've gotta say you're not missing anything

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The Republican party needs to be forcibly dissolved, or this will keep happening.

Unfortunately, liberals would rather shove their heads in the sand and keep trying to play nice with these fascists.

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"See you next week," one user smugly commented to me on my way out.

I haven't been back, and I haven't missed it.

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the Windows Store won’t work until you do

So just never do it. Noted.

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There are mattress places in my town in locations that have to cost a significant sum to rent that are "by appointment only."

I never see anyone go in or out, and I've not known a single person who would schedule an appointment just to buy a forking mattress.

Which is great when people use a phone call in situations where an immediate response is warranted -- not so great when I realize I've had the device occupying one of my hands and my attention for 10 minutes, and the speaker has yet to make a point

There are certain people who when I see calling, I just won't pick up. On the other hand, when the phone rang at 4am and it was my brother, I knew something terrible had happened. If he had been a frequent caller/offender, I'd have silenced and ignored the call, but I'm really thankful that I picked up. It's like a "boy who cried wolf" situation.

Both of these problems are capitalism

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I can't even tell anymore

His entire life is a shitpost incarnate, and not a very good one

Yeah, but goatse isn't very wholesome. Let the kid believe :P

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permanently deleted

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Sleeping in is the right way. Most of us have some amount of sleep deprivation because our alarms have to wake us before we get enough sleep

Which in turn can cause things like craving inordinate amounts of ice cream

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I hope the members of that school board who supported its rejection are exposed and mercilessly harassed by the internet so they never know another day of peace in their miserable lives until they finally succumb to the pressure and do the world a favor by deciding to exit it.

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The original action figure had automated fisting action

The more you twist his waist, the harder and faster the fisting

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While the author describes them as nice and sympathetic, literally every action described and every quote makes them seem like insufferable douchebags. Maybe the author...

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This is going to make reddit even more filled with spambots and ads, and I'm fine with that

I had some coins leftover from being awarded myself, and I applied them to the most harmful drop-shipping bots I could find in rising posts on my way out

Some speculate this is an intentional move by Google due to suspected loss of ad-revenue. We don’t know

Oh, we know. It may technically qualify as speculation, but we know.

The gay agenda is going well

The people who see the protest as a failure were many of the users who used the official app, default settings, and seldom if ever contributed to the site. They were never going to leave anyway.

Look how many people came here, and there is a noticeable decrease in the number of bots and trolls. I see this as a huge win for us users.

Edit: Just realized this is ambiguous. There's noticeably fewer bots and trolls here on Lemmy than there were on reddit.

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Started smoking cigarettes when I was 16.

I was perfectly aware how shitty the tobacco industry is, how addictive nicotine is, all its harmful effects, and how gross of a money sink it is. I did it anyway because I thought it looked relaxing.

Looks like I canceled Prime right on time. Literally just did it after having it for years because it no longer provides any meaningful benefit, and it's grossly overpriced for what it is.

When I used to get two-day shipping all the way here in bumfuck, South Dakota, then it was worth it, but it's faster now just to order from some other site.

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We can have different political views, but we have one view. The one view is we’re the finest, the greatest nation in the world. We should focus on that. And we should focus on dealing with our problems and coming together ... and stop the rancor. We have to bring the nation together.

I don't think any amount of togetherness is going to stop Palestinians from being slaughtered. And "greatest nation in the world"? Come on...

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If we honestly taught about white people's role in things like slavery and genocide, then it would interfere with the dissemination of the white supremacist lies that this was all "a long time ago" and that we magically fixed it with the power of love.

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Hi there, just dropping in to say that caffeine is more dangerous than cannabis

flies away


Anti-weed Puritans trying to find ways weed is actually harmful

Harry J. Anslinger looking up from hell

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Tbf I smoked the devil's lettuce once, and now I'm commenting in a shitposting forum, so I guess it really does have negative effects

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LemmyNSFW (nothing against it, but I'm not here for that)


These are the only two

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Won't sombebody think of the 0.000000001% of corporate profits being lost to rogue refillers off the streets?

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It obviously had an impact because reddit wouldn't have taken such draconian action in response. Reddit admins have been forced to show their ass to the public, and many people who previously had positive or neutral opinions of Steve Huffman & co. have now seen what a manipulative, dishonest group they are. They are looking to harvest more user data at a point when no reasonable person would entrust them with this data. They are looking to expand advertising at a point when a significant number of users have either jumped ship or are remaining behind only to actively sabotage the site. More and more people have come to understand that migrating to the fediverse is no big hurdle.

Of course reddit will pay certain outlets to report that the protest has been a failure, but to me it looks like it has been a great success. We knew reddit wouldn't reverse its decision, and we knew it wouldn't just disappear (Digg is still around ffs), but a lot of people have seen that ... reddit the web site never really meant that much to us.

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