
3 Post – 316 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Because when your presidential candidate looks like random demented grandpa who was found wandering through mall and now can't remember where he lives, that doesn't inspire confidence. No matter how bad the other side is.


the best h2o. the best environmental people told him just before he jumped on the stage!

and that is exactly why he is bad at it. i don't see a problem 😂

that xkcd is... completely irrelevant to the post.

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Seeing the trajectory is not ultimate answer to anything.

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what i don't get is all the people complaining about google and at the same time using their browser...

i believe that trying to steer masses away from chrome would be more useful in the long run than trying to make it work

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People who suggest, let's say, firing employees of crisis intervention hotline and replacing them with llms...

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So I am going to sit down and the screen will be full of penis enlargement pills? What will all the hot singles in the area think?

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because blocked is considered good and federated bad... i assume.

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is "not supporting someone" your newspeak for being asshole? because i am pretty sure that any group of people doesn't give a flying fuck about you or anyone else not "supporting them", just let them be and they will be happy.

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omg! such mind-blowing and world-changing ideas like "they didn't reinvent the wheel" and "The bottlenecks were identified and eliminated."

i feel like i am at the mlm presentation. seriously, if you want to "learn more" invest the 6 minutes of your life better.

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“I will give them a billion dollars if they change their name to Dickipedia.”

is such promise legally binding in US? it would be fun to take billion dollars from him and i am pretty sure we could all survive wiki being renamed for a day...

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the plugins are already built-in in the standard installation, you just have to enable them before first use and that is it. after that you just use the search box.

so in the download section of firefox website, there will be notice: "not recommended for use in france"

problem solved 🤣

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according to Tartaro, he says he received a notice that the California DMV would not let him renew his registration unless he actually paid some of those fines.

that sounds so illegal. but i am not an american, so what do i know.

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Piracy explicitly is not stealing.

Piracy is attacking ships at sea and is usually done in order to rob them.

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the game that started it all

wolfenstein 3d: am i a joke to you?

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Jesus, I can’t imagine just coming out and saying this like it’s not fucking deranged to charge people more for WATER during a heat wave.

and if there is a fire, we can raise prices of fire extinguishers, how cool is that?

yes, i think he is speaking about the word itself. it is terrible that it is gaining negative connotation... like when people say bullshit like "alternative facts" or "alternative medicine" and the word itself slowly starts to look slightly suspicious just because it is used by morons.

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"We made a good faith mistake in failing to believe that a piece of technology could be making up cases out of whole cloth," the firm's statement said.

good faith mistake my ass, you should be disbarred for doing something like that.

One third of half of an ass is not one third of an ass...

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Isn’t a self driving car just a train?

no, it is not... here is handy image to familiarize you with some basic differences

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that theory doesn't really work here, because you don't have what they have.

if someone makes bread, you can also start making bread and people don't care, it is still a bread.

if someone has and sells game of thrones, you can't just make your own game of thrones with blackjack and hookers. you can make something similar, but it is not going to be the same and some people will still want to see game of thrones, which is why the market is so fragmented.

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there were golddiggers before feminism, there is no causality.

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lemm.ee admin did setup crowdfunding option and the needed amount was filled quite fast, so i guess it is more about whether or not the admin of the instance have technical ability and will to upscale the solution with rising number of users.

it might get different story once the normal users start surpassing the early adopters in numbers (the penetration of people willing to contribute might get gradually lower).

Right now deepfakes doesn’t work well when the face is viewed from extreme angles, so you can ask them to slowly turn their face to the side or up/down as far as they can until the face is not visible.

or, you know, you can just pickup the phone and call them.

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if academic or news source is scared of being called out, i don't trust them. yes, i do understand that with worthy comments there is a lot of garbage, but that is cost of doing business.

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is it at all possible that us public has no expertise to serve as nasa advisory board?

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Exactly, there isn't musk mentioned anywhere

and unfortunately czech pirate representatives dropped from three to one :(

And that 90% is average number, it's quite possible that with his money that number would be higher...

and that is why math theorem starts with definitions of the terms.

Gmail is a great option

after you spend two paragraphs explaining how it is inconvinient to depend on someone who can change anything at their will, your conclusion is to move to google? 🤣

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Excuse me, sir, but.... what?

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how would that explain connection to facebook?

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So we wouldn’t honestly be allowed to know legally without getting that admin in trouble.

i have no idea whether any of the speculations are true or not, but purely theoretically, this is really lame excuse. if you are representing open source community, you shouldn't be taking meetings where you have to sign nda.

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check back in few days, lot of people are reporting their deleted comments were restored