It has begun !!! Now we need passwords for each other !! to – 544 points –

The time has come for us to make passwords for identifying each other..


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Right now deepfakes doesn’t work well when the face is viewed from extreme angles, so you can ask them to slowly turn their face to the side or up/down as far as they can until the face is not visible.

or, you know, you can just pickup the phone and call them.

You might not be aware of it, but in India (and SEA), using whatsapp video call is a lot more common than calling using your carrier's phone service. No one would think twice when receiving a whatsapp video calls there.

i am not aware of that, no, but my point is not that the video call itself is suspicious. it is that if you have have a suspicion for whatever reason, normal cell call for a verification is far easier than doing some strange gymnastics the person above suggested (which may or may not work).

I guess that also allows for some 'benefit of the doubt' from the point of view of the victim, it's probably harder to spot artifacts that would be obvious on a TV or monitor screen when the image is v small, and any glitches could be due to the video stream / compression

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I had this attack tried on me. It was a video call from my friend's Facebook account. If I didn't know enough to be suspicious, I wouldn't have answered. Luckily I have that friend on Signal, so I knew they wouldn't have called me on Facebook asking for money. I tried calling on Signal, but they didn't answer. They must've not had their phone on them. Calling their home phone worked, though, which is kind of a weird thought.

Their phone was probably offline at the moment.

Nah, they just leave it in another room sometimes and don't care if they miss a call or notification.

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