Do you think it would be understandable/alright to be discriminatory towards people who identify with a world culture if that culture ended up declaring nuclear war and going through with the threats?

Call me Lenny/ to – -2 points –

It's no secret I'm on the misanthropy spectrum, but as such a person you could say that about, I wanted to ask this ever since hearing this conveyed in response to recent events which sees three spheres of influence now arguably possessing the potential to deliver on such promises. Like... what's the deal?


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I mean, cultures generally don't declare war, but leaderships of countries do.

I don't expect people to abandon their culture because their home country's current government is doing messed up stuff.

But I will hate on people who support governments that declare unjust wars. But that's hating people for their politics, which I think has always been fine.

cultures generally don’t declare war, but leaderships of countries do.

Yeah, that's what I meant. In the context of discrimination though you tend to speak of them in terms of cultures.

Yes and that's bad. Don't discriminate based on culture.

Don't hate on people with a russian accent, hate on the people posting pro russia murdering people news stories.