58 Post – 403 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Excuse you! I stare at SQL all day tyvm!...

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Nope, most on topic link I've ever seen.


"Cheap. The Boomers destroyed the economy. Sorry to any Boomers reading this. We don’t like that you did it either. #NotAllBoomers. But if you voted for Reagan, Mulroney, or Thatcher and you don’t regret it, this cookbook isn’t for you. "

I like these people.

If you like randomly made stories, you can try Rimworld.

You will quickly find yourself asking very difficult questions. Is taking on the cripple something you can afford to do? Is using medicine on a less valuable colonist smart? Do you let some of your colonists starve, or start a war with friendly neighbors? Cannibalism will make your neighbors hate you and some of your colonists might rebel over it, but that's better than some of them starving... right?

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People like you being in charge is how English got to this position in the first place!

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Yeah like it's cool my 200k town home I bought 4 years ago is now selling for 400k (neighbor just sold for that much).

Except that means that the 350k home I was thinking might be a nice upgrade one day, is 700k.

Like I'm way more screwed over now unless I intend to like sell my home then move to the middle of nowhere. All that higher value means is property taxes like you said. But of course renters are the most screwed.

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Go zero waste for your local environment

Overthrow the oligarchs for the global environment.

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I mean nonviolent protests DO work.

Non-disruptive DOES NOT work though.

MLK Jr didn't peacefully sit in a park. They ran boycotts, sit ins, shut down streets, trespassed into white only areas, and drove businesses insane.

If MLK Jr was your enemy you were going to have a miserable time when he rolled into town.

Ghandi had people illegally burn documents and basically smuggled salt against all regulations.

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Would be a lot nicer than the current system of "go into debt for doctor to shrug at me"

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Thank you for answering how you feel.

How you feel is wrong. But it's still appreciated.

Bro I can't imagine how much of an eye for detail you must have to be able to notice where a stake was driven into the ground in an over grown forest. Like was he just really good at noticing where the underbrush had grown funny?

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Also isn't he making a whole other game???

Like, this is Brandon Sanderson level of "I relax from working on my projects by working on another project"

This reminds me of getting banned for threatening another player in a war game.

I said if he attacked me again I'd attack him back. Got permanently banned.

Like... what?

Defending abusive cops. So a lot of cops I can't stand as a result.

No laws against it, but I'm just curious if I'm angering the faster and more athletic folks!

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Supposedly he signed that, then turned around and demanded the sick days:

I knew someone was gonna show up making fun of the fact that Hannah Montana is a distro.

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"Oh that has funny jokes!"

"Oh... they were the only good jokes."

He's suing the company that brought attention to the nazi stuff.

Just as insane, but slightly different!

He's zoomer game show host.

All you really need to know.

If you think a song that is a cry for humanity and mercy is a political attack on your regime, I'll assume it is and you're the villian 🤷‍♂️

Currently playing an evil dnd campaign where my little kobold's dream is to become a dragon.

So he is trying to imitate a red dragon by burning everything down.

He wants potion so bad.

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I mean, cultures generally don't declare war, but leaderships of countries do.

I don't expect people to abandon their culture because their home country's current government is doing messed up stuff.

But I will hate on people who support governments that declare unjust wars. But that's hating people for their politics, which I think has always been fine.

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You'd think these complainers would realize it's great when other jobs get a massive raise... because those engineers can now say "Why should I work here and deal with your nonsense when UPS drivers are making near 100K in low cost of living income areas?"

Like, please please please let the cashiers at walmart start making 30 dollars an hour so I can tell my boss that I need a raise or I'm dipping to walmart.

Like power not being able to turn on.

Or circuits trip like crazy.

The obsession with scooter and bike speeds that don't have the mass to seriously hurt people at top speed is crazy.

Like you can find videos of people being hit at top speed by scooters/bikes, usually the pedestrian is pretty fine but rightfully annoyed. Every fatal accident I can find is the escooter/ebiker was hit by a car.

Fingers crossed they stop being dumb and just make actual infrastructure for micromobility so they don't have to compete with giant murder machines.

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I really hope all the admins are able to keep repost bots down.

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I mean I think it's popular enough to be usable at least! Which is the biggest problem with new social media, all the features in the world mean nothing if there is a small user base.

The OG!

"In space no one can hear you scream"

Rewatched the trailer, literally all you know is that they are in space, and there is something terribly wrong.

Such a good trailer.

Someone posted to the class discussion form with the bit about being an ai bot still included.

I wish it was a joke.

I didn't do great in that class, but it was me getting 70% for not wanting to try and explain a mathematically concept in 500 words! They won't take that away from me.

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Oof calling my 29 yo butt out

Because #1 was a meme pick, #2 has been seen by millions of people.

So you know, I think it worked out?

Ain't that the truth.

I live in Orem, a city you probably have never heard of. Population of under 100k, not a rich city by any means. Median individual income of 26k, median household income of 65k.

There are no single family homes for sale under 400k, and all apartment/condos for sale are 300k.

Just picking a random apartment for sale for a little under 300k and doing an estimate of 10% down with current rates is a mortgage of 2.2 k a month on 30 year fixed. So of course whoever buys and rents these out are going to do so at AT LEAST that number.

With JUST taxes taken out of 65k bringing it down to 45k, the mortgage/rent alone would be well over half the median house hold income for these things. But of course there would be HOA, withdrawals for 401k, withdrawals for medical care, etc. Meaning it would probably be closer to 70% of median household net just to pay mortgage on the cheapest apartment for sale.

And of course we can repeat this exercise for just about any city and get the same result. It's scary.

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They missed after unloading an entire clip into an unmoving car that had a handcuffed suspect??

I mean that's great to hear, but this entire story is so confounding.

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The simple, but annoying answer, was luck and fear.

I grew up in poverty on account of my father going to prison very young and my unprepared mom having to somehow take care of 3 kids and realizing he had made lots of money vanish and stolen lots of the money we did have that needed to be returned, and instead of inheriting money irresponsibly, I got a crippling fear of debt and spending money on non necessities.

But at the same time I was making around 70k a year at 25, because at 20 I got my associates in IT, then found a job paying above what I was asking for in under a month after graduating, and I still work at that job 10 years later as they've been very reasonable through everything. Getting that job SOO fast that worked out so well was just pure luck.

Also I couldn't buy the house I'm in anymore, buying at 25 instead of 26 was pure luck. If I had been born a year later, buying at 25 wouldn't have worked. The price of the house went up about 100k a few months later.

Also even in 2019, my home was considered a fantastic deal. A 2k square foot town home for 240k in a medium sized city (the one I grew up in), within walking distance of main street. It has an hoa, but it only has 9 other town homes in it, and we have a massive shared common area and pool. Having a pool I only have to share with a dozen other people is a luxury I never imagined. Hoa fee is 200$ and they've only ever asked me to pull weeds around my house when a neighbor was selling theirs and they wanted it to look pretty to help out a neighbor.

So I actually don't have a car (too expensive) and I can walk/bike to grocery stores, doctors appointments, the like. To top it off it's only about 3 miles from where my mom lives, and we just recently moved my grandma into a senior living center about a mile away so she's close to me and my mom.

So, yeah. I just saved every penny to a stupid level, then got rather lucky. Saving every penny at my income wouldn't have worked without the luck. Never being unemployed in my entire life was pure luck. Finding a home that met all my needs perfectly within my budget was crazy.

The cheapest home in this city are 200k 900 square feet town homes, but because of the interest rates the monthly payments are 50% higher than my beloved home.

But all that luck wouldn't have meant a thing if I hadn't saved like crazy. Sooo... yeah. For context, after much cajoling from counseling I have agreed to allow myself 100$ fun budget per month, and $400 a month for food so I buy more "nice" food. My only debts are a little bit of my college loans (I paid off all the high interest ones and the only ones left are like 3%. I had a tradition where every tax return I just put the entire thing towards the highest interest student loan) and my mortgage which is at 4.25%. I'm going to retire a millionaire and with a fully paid off home.

But it's so sad, because people taking the EXACT same actions as me, but 2 years younger, won't. They'll have to rent their entire life, or buy a home out in the middle of nowhere away from family and services. Which means they'll most likely need a car and have to pay other premiums.

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Nooo it's different!

How often I end up pasting stuff into excel to help me organize data and figure out how I want it to look before writing a query is irrelevant!

This is the kinda heat I was looking for!

Looks like a full RPG powered by running.

Gonna give it a try!

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For more fun, calculate how much money you would have to make to meet the rule of having your mortgage only cost 30% of your take home pay!

To buy a home with a 2k mortgage and keep that rule, you'd need a TAKE HOME pay of nearly 80k, so easily needing 6 figures gross pay to afford these two homes while still keeping this rule.

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Mathematically, there are not enough people on the planet to do this with every us football game for an NFL season. Could do it for just the final games, but guessing 5 isn't impressive.

Just to do this for one team, you would need hundreds of thousands of people to get just one person. Assuming they even read your emails.

Hopefully freedom of religion does something helpful, as the Bible says 40,000 times to home the homeless and feed the hungry.

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Yes and that's bad. Don't discriminate based on culture.

Don't hate on people with a russian accent, hate on the people posting pro russia murdering people news stories.