YSK: About BangYourBuck.com, which lets you sort Amazon by price per pound/count/etc.

ericbomb@lemmy.world to You Should Know@lemmy.world – 17 points –

It's a website that lets you sort amazon by price per ounce/pound/count


Some examples are:

Cheapest rice per pound https://bangyourbuck.com/search/rice/Lb/US/grid

Cheapest batteries by count: https://bangyourbuck.com/search/aa%20batteries/Count/US/grid

Hard drives by terabyte: https://bangyourbuck.com/search/hard%20drive/Terabyte/US/grid

Been using it for months, and I can't stand using Amazon without it now.


If you buy the cheapest rice, the cheapest batteries, or the cheapest hard drive, off Amazon, of all fuckin places, you're going to have a bad time

But 50% of all items I check have incorrect or nonexistant unit price listed

Valiant effort, but the top minds of the world, whether human or machine, are no match for Charmin's obfuscation techniques. https://bangyourbuck.com/search/charmin%20ultra%20strong/Count/US/table

Looks okay until you realize that the "count" field refers to different things across different listings. Some count rolls, some count sheets, some count packages.

Comparing prices of toilet paper and papers towels is 100x harder than it needs to be.

ooh, this needs to be a Firefox extension!

edit: I take that back, no, it should stay just the way it is. It works great!

You can get cheaper rice than that in stores if you buy bulk at an Indian or Chinese grocer.

I do genuinely enjoy buying enough rice to last a year. Also bought a great cheap rice cooker at my local Chinese grocer. Idiot proof and almost certainly saves electricity.

I think I once worked out that the rice based meal I'd just eaten had cost less than a euro to make.

I'd love to buy in bulk like that, but I don't have the freezer space to treat the rice beforehand, so I usually don't buy more than 25 (just over 10 kilo) pounds at a time

I want to find the cheapest item by weight with free shipping, really stick it to the man.

so far 17ยข/lb for sand is the best I've found.

Maybe don't kill our planet for your petty bullshit. Consumerism is bad enough already.