As folks freeze to death in Milwaukee, Ohio pastor charged for offering shelter to Not The – 380 points –
As folks freeze to death in Milwaukee, Ohio pastor charged for offering shelter | Opinion

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Hopefully freedom of religion does something helpful, as the Bible says 40,000 times to home the homeless and feed the hungry.

Sounds to me like the pastor got that message. Nobody in the city's government cares about that, but he got it.

Good on the pastor for doing what he did. Anyone who speaks out about it, or endorses the charges laid against him should be ashamed. Honestly, you're going to condemn someone to die because of what? Because they're poor? Homeless? Does that mean we should treat them like they're not worthy of life?

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. (Not you OP, I'm sure you're cool)

Unfortunately (in this case), freedom of religion, in the US, only protects your right to practice your religion free from persecution. You can't break the law and then justify it by saying it was a form of religious expression.

Laws aren't just because they're laws. The police could have simply practiced their right to discretion and ignored the zoning law for the duration of the blizzard.

The police are too busy firing less-lethal weapons at peaceful protesters to do anything that would benefit society. They were within the law, doing what they did. I'm not saying I support it.

Scientology seems to get away with it fairly often. And all those holy roller type christian churches bringing conservative politics into their services despite their tax exempt status. But this is where we draw the line - keeping people from dying of hypothermia.