Radioactivity detected in Fukushima worker's nose

Lee to World – 97 points –
Radioactivity detected in Fukushima worker's nose

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The Three Gorges dam displaced an approximate 1.3 million people, is of questionable structural integrity because of rushed construction, has had a huge impact on its immediate environment and in the event of a breach endangers 400 million people. While that monstrosity is an outlier, in most instances the construction of a dam will displace a lot of people and carries a sizable risk of breach if the construction isn't carried out properly. Should or shouldn't hydroelectric be considered environmentally friendly?

Hydro is the 70s idea of green.

See how people usually only talk about wind/solar rather than suggest building more dams?

If anything places are starting to dismantle dams to restore ecosystems.

Wind and solar have relatively short material lifespans that are expensive or impossible to recycle. It's all a double edged sword. There is no single solution that will work everywhere on this planet.