[Music Notation] What does "D M F# m/5+" mean?

ilex@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 40 points –

I'm fooling around with notation software that will label chords. I input a D major chord, and it offers to also label it also as F# m/5+. F# minor but then /5+?


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Everyone else in the thread already worked their way through explaining how F#m/5+ gets to D F# A.

I'm here to tell you that there is absolutely no musical context, practical or theoretical, where it is the correct chord symbol to write. Period.

Zero. Zilch. Nada.

hahaha - I'm following the FAFO method to musical education right now, and this advice is reassuring.

Yeah definitely agreed here. The only ones I can come up with are horribly overwrought specifically to make it sensible. (like F#mD5 -> F#m -> F#mA5 where the C, C#, D is an implied run but like... Why)

Listen to the music man, he speaks the truth :)

I don't disagree but...

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