3 Post – 218 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you're moving away from text formats, might as well use a proper serialisation tool like protobuf...

It exists so that you know where a character will appear when you press a key on the keyboard.

It blinks because it's hard to find a line on a page of lines.

I realise what sub we're on, but this is pushing it...

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There's nothing stopping game companies from selling through multiple storefronts, or even direct to customer with Steam's cut removed.

The fact is, players are happy to pay a premium so that the games live in their steam library, are downloaded via Steam's delivery network, and integrate with steam features.

Steam is not anti-competitive, it's just good.

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Is it possible the first response is simply due to the date being after the AI's training data cutoff?

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USB flash drive

"If you're on the fence about the sequel, though, I've gotta say that it's really the performance updates you're going to want to watch for, because woof does this game run badly."


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Lenovo ThinkPads

I bought an old model in 2013 and it lived in my backpack through 7 years of school and university. It was dropped hard enough to permanently bend the heatsink, the disk drive cover snapped off, and it regularly overheated from throwing it in my bag without turning it off. It ran windows, dozens of Linux distros (up to 3 at once) and now it's a hackintosh for when I need a Mac. I'm confident I could buy spare parts and repair it myself if anything important broke.

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That bit about the pay sounds highly illegal

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Out of curiosity, why? If it's a knee-jerk reaction to change that's completely understandable, but I can't see anything to dislike about the feature itself

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I think that one's pretty well explained (albeit not explicitly) by the presence of the Nazgul and the eye of Sauron, which were either destroyed or otherwise occupied when the eagles made their rescue. People pretend Mordor had no airborne defenses for the bit, but it doesn't really make sense

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So join an instance which shares that opinion...

Viral hypothetical "would you rather spend a night in the woods with a bear or a man". Toxic men getting butthurt when women chose the bear

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Google operates the same way, and unfortunately individual schools don't have the expertise to go open source. Needs to be a government program to host the open source solutions - could save heaps of money that way too.

Blockchain is so rarely the right tool for the job that I would be generally skeptical of any project which uses it.

Event tickets are definitely not a good use case.

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That's also only partially true. Most of the human detection is done by collecting metadata about your browser and how you interact with the widgets.

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Assume nothing

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Doesn't have to be all seeing to spot a fucking eagle lol. This is akin to "Gandalf should've teleported the ring to Mordor, it never explicitly said he couldn't"

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For a lightweight organisation which has foregone layers of management waste out of financial necessity, it funds an awful lot of development.

Most of that shouldn't be considered extreme. Yeah "eat the rich" style rhetoric is inflammatory, but the rest is just pretty bog standard leftist stuff. There's far more extreme stuff on Reddit, on all the political fringes.

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You will be fine. I game on mint with an Nvidia card. Steam has a setting to fall back to proton for all games without native Linux, and for everything off steam use Lutris (install it from the website, since the package manager version is too old to be useful)

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PSA: SMS 2FA is not secure! Use a hardware key or mobile app instead

You're ranting for no reason. "Return to workplace" obviously doesn't refer to workers who had to be on site the whole time

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Everyone else in the thread already worked their way through explaining how F#m/5+ gets to D F# A.

I'm here to tell you that there is absolutely no musical context, practical or theoretical, where it is the correct chord symbol to write. Period.

Zero. Zilch. Nada.

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Exactly. "Security assuming nobody fucked up" isn't enough

Google en croissant

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Valve openly suffers from the "zero billions" problem, which effectively blocks small, safe projects from getting off the ground.

They have enough cash to focus all their effort on moonshots, and in the long run it will serve them well.

The comma and ampersand are plain English, not one big command

No need to leave the fediverse, just join instances which plan to block threads

Pretty sure it's the weirdest comment I've seen on Lemmy...

I think the most direct translation in this context would be "Where on earth is..." (or more extreme) "Where the hell is..."

These inserts add almost exactly the same connotations you describe for "eigentlich", though perhaps also with the implication that you have spent some time looking for it already

I always assumed it was a pun. AMA = Ask Me Anything. IAMA = I Am A

Angle braces like that are definitely not necessary. Mine is rock solid and just has the regular shape.

Hiring is literally condensing candidates down to a boolean

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I thought users could block instances now?

Anyone with half a brain switched from antiwork to workreform after the moderation drama a couple of years ago. Doesn't surprise me that the remaining members are hard to displace

Blind users were spared having to see the redesign. They were on borrowed time

I like Go too, but not because it's a good language. I like it because it's the simplest garbage language I have to use regularly, and that puts a cap on how bad it can be. It also got a lot of language-adjacent things right, like tooling.