Cities: Skylines 2 "absolutely cannot" have the decade of DLC features that the original game added

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 111 points –
Cities: Skylines 2 "absolutely cannot" have the decade of DLC features that the original game added

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"If you're on the fence about the sequel, though, I've gotta say that it's really the performance updates you're going to want to watch for, because woof does this game run badly."


Yeah. Take a look at their review. The guy was running a 3080 and had to turn all settings down to minimum just to get a stable 30fps.

Fucking ouch.

Not like this seems to be status quo in game dev for >1 guy game studios right now (sadly).

Just don't buy/pre order or refund after testing and we are all join the patient gamer community.
Haven't bought a modern current-year release since >2 years.

Yep, there's no reason that users should have to PAY for the privilege of being "beta" testers. I learned this the hard way in the early days of the Civ 6 release. 😔

CS1 was notoriously known to be tied to single core CPU performance
I hope at least that got better, this really hit laptop gamer even if they had beefy GPUs in the laptop

Yup, C:S and Paradox first party games are really CPU heavy, so your GPU really doesn't matter that much unless it's an absolute potato. My laptop ran C:S okay with just a mid-tier AMD APU (3500U IIRC).

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