Sudan Is Unraveling as the World Looks Away to World – 278 points –
Sudan Is Unraveling as the World Looks Away

A brutal war since April has left at least 10,000 dead and displaced 6 million but remains a mere footnote on the international agenda.


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I feel so bad for not knowing about it before.

It’s hard to know about all the wars and genocides, if they aren’t in the standard westernized nations. I only learned of the Rohingya genocide this year.

The best that most of us can do is be like ShittyBeatles and donate to legit charities of your choice.

Hell even with western nations it can be forgotten, plenty of folks dont know about the Armenian genocide for example. Frankly speaking I think at best you can get most to list off the Holocaust, Armenia, and maybe the Holodomor or Cambodia.