Ukraine starts mass production of 750 km range “kamikaze” drones to World – 233 points –
Ukraine starts mass production of 750 km range “kamikaze” drones

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I hate this stupid word 'drone'

Cruise missiles have all the same navigation and course correction tech in it.

These are the same thing with a propeller instead of a rocket and less payload.

I mean, there is a difference. You even pointed it out. With a rocket you go point A to point B. That is it. With a prop, you can fly around for as long as your fuel supply lasts. Which is what makes it a drone.

These only go from point A to to point B.

rockets can fly around for as long as their fuel supply lasts.

These seem like they can circle for rather longer than a rocket could.

There's a bit of a difference, tactically, between a rocket with 2 min of fuel vs a prop plane with 5 hours of fuel.

A Tomahawk cruise missile only uses a rocket motor to take off from a ship or submarine. After launch, it unfolds its wings and uses a jet engine to fly to its target.

"Added unfolding wings for effect of cool."

Seriously though, Rocket and jet engine is heavy. I know that from KSP.

What's the difference between a rocket motor and a jet engine?

Cruise missiles are usually self-guided. Drones are often remotely piloted with some autonomous functions (loitering, station keeping, return to base). No idea what the case is for these new AQ400 units. Given the usage of the term "drone", my guess is that these will be remotely piloted.