What can the 'average Joe' start hosting, that will change their life?

jaackf@lemmy.world to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 995 points –

I'm already hosting pihole, but i know there's so much great stuff out there! I want to find some useful things that I can get my hands on. Thanks!


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for better or worse it is, (though I don't recommend newcomers to boot up a bind server to manage their dns, pihole is probally the best starting point)

Indeed, dnsmasq would be much easier to handle than BIND OOTB. I have personally not come across a reason to use BIND for myself, and struggle to see its appeal out of the enterprise/enterprise-like labs, but I don't really know much about homelabbing either

In my (our) case we use bind to run an authoritative resolver for our domain (I am sysadmin for a uni computer society, we have our own (physical) servers)

Well, that is an enterprise-like environment. I'm curious though, why BIND over other DNS implementations? Unless you have very specific requirements I'm sure other DNS solutions would scale too

Bind is well established, got plenty of documentation, is what the previous iteration of the resolver used and on top of all that it works really well with NixOS