It's almost impossible to deny being an alcoholic without sounding like an alcoholic to – 392 points –

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I really should reduce my consumption, I've always hang around people that tend to get wasted on a weekly basis. Getting tipsy is enjoyable, but more than that is just fucking stupid. I also find it hard to talk about stuff with them, or to do meaningful activities, they just want to drink a lot and act like dumbasses in night clubs. So boring. I should try and find new friends, but I feel like most people act like this, honestly. It's the same when I hang out with strangers. My hard limit is 3 drinks per night now.

Most people don't do this. You need to find friends somewhere other than bars and clubs.

I should try and find new friends, but I feel like most people act like this, honestly.

I don't know anyone like this. All, my friends, and my friends friends, do normal things like go out to eat, do something outdoors, play games, just talk, sit around a fire pit, etc. On a rare occasion a few will get drunk or high, but it is not a regular thing for any of us, sounds like you just surround yourself with 1 dimensional people with little to offer.

I wouldn't call them "1-dimensional", and they do have things to offer, but they go out to lose themselves, and drink like crazy. When we do have discussions they're very interesting, and we sometimes do activities unrelated to drinking, but they're not willing to go there often. Again, I meet these people at events in bars, so it's very likely that they're into drinking. My friends back home have mellowed quite a bit and we do normal stuff now. It's just hard to meet new people outside school/workplace if you don't have hobbies and you don't want to go to bars or nightclubs.

Yeah meeting new people isn't easy once you're out of school. If you are outgoing there are definitely avenues though. There are meetup groups for everything. You might not have hobbies, but you still do things. You bike? Go to the local riding meetup. You like boardgames? Sign up for your local open play at a boardgame store. You cook? Take a cooking class at a kitchen store or co-op. Anything you do, there is probably already a local group meeting up to do it.

Find new friends. Not even most people are like this, unless you're in college age. Even then they are others who don't want to get wasted regularly

You're right, I'm 27 in a new country, and I meet people at meetups events (they very often takes place in a bar), so I'm bound to find people that are only interested in getting wasted. I've been meaning to pick some hobbies and find friends this way, I should get to it.

I was gonna say the best way to meet new friends is to pick up a hobby, but then you already said it. Go get em.