Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO to politics – 928 points –
Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO

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Senate 87 yes -13 no

House 310 yes -118 no

Is that the votes for this act?

I mean: it says the president removing the US from NATO now requires Senate approval or congressal act. So what % of Senate is required for Senate approval? 50%?

Yes, those were the votes for this act.

As for leaving NATO, the president either needs 2/3 of the Senate to OK it, or the house and senate need to pass an act, which would be a simple majority for both bodies.

It's some comfort at least. It's deliberately made so that no one is going to have that sort of Senate majority of bit lickers.

It's somewhat concerning since we know if Trump gets in, he will get in with house and Senate boot lickers. However, Congress is able to bureaucrat their way out of actually putting something up to vote even if they all want to claim they would, hypothetically, support a bill in public. Just like when Republicans had all the theoretical support they would have needed to kill Obamacare, and yet somehow dodged trying to do so for two years (after previously putting it up for a vote every few weeks when they knew it would fail).

Thanks for the info. If R's ever take control of everything, then they could theoretically do it, but at least this makes it much more difficult.

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