Afghanistan: 'Tea is sometimes all I have to give my hungry baby' to World – 252 points –
Afghanistan: 'Tea is sometimes all I have to give my hungry baby'

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In 2000 the Afghani was worth 75,000 to 1 USD. During ISAF occupation it was fixed at 50 to 1. It is now at 70 to 1 and dropping. Let's stick to one argument at a time rather than playing the whataboutism game. You said the USA destroyed their economy, yet the evidence strongly says otherwise. Before 2001, Afghanistan was the second poorest country in the world. When ISAF pulled out it was ranked at about 40 (I say 'about' because it was still growing and changing faster and the rankings were uptated). In the short time of Taliban rule they have dropped back down to sub 33 with exact number still to be determined. (The sub 33 ranking is important because there are only 33 countries on the UN "least developed countries" list).

I would spend time debating topics like this with educated people and those that are open minded, but you do not seem like you fit either group. Do not expect a reply.

Links random numbers

Ignores the Americans fucking over the local population

Ignores the Americans making the economy dependant on opium farming

Ignores America still sanctioning the place

Please don't reply anymore.

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