What common grocery item(s) is it absolutely fine to buy the cheap/unbranded version of?

sonovebitch@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 102 points –

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I was going to say everything. I mean its not everything but if you don't know its always best to give them a try if the price difference is good and if you don't like it then thats one of the few things not to get. Especially now. generics used to be pretty meh but man now they are sometimes better. Oh man dominicks had this store brand chunky peanut butter that I have not been able to find an equal to since they closed.

Sometimes store brands/generics have lower meat content for example, if you buy, say, meat balls or fish products. While other products are literally the same just with another logo. Always check the ingredients (at least in my country they give a lot of information)

oh I always compare the ingredients just like price per unit. Im one of those folks who forgets to mention things like this so thanks.

As long as your not a former roommate of mine. He would calculate price per slice of bread and buy the cheapest. He would do this for everything and would take hours shopping...

Im not that bad but I do sorta consider it a puzzle game. Sorta a "fun" math activity to keep my brain active like doing suduko. Honestly I don't see a point at price per slice as you would just get really thinly sliced bread. Should be per ounce. Honestly bread is one of those things I spring for the xspenciv stuff in the bakery section or I will do one of the fancy brownberry type with oats and nuts or potato.

I understand where you come but I do sympathize with him(he had 4 kids from 2 mother's so money was always tight). He took FOREVER shopping though.

One time we went shopping together, I got all my food, checked out, drove home, put all my food away, took a shower, watched a show on Netflix, drove back to the store and he said "almost done, 10 more minutes"...

ouch. don't tell you friend but the opening montage of idiocracy comes to mind.