Donald Trump Has the Worst Economic Record in Modern U.S. History to politics – 683 points –
Donald Trump Has the Worst Economic Record in Modern U.S. History - Democrats

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I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but the man didn’t do anything without the combination of someone telling him to do it and somehow that thing being made worth his while.

So, why the hell would he decide/be-told to disband the US Pandemic Response team in May 2018?

Apparently, Trump had a beef with his National Security advisor, and that advisor was good friends with the admiral in charge of the pandemic office. So, to punish the Advisor, Trump closed down his buddy's office.

It’s all so petty. And people still want this person to have power. Society is so confusing.

These thoughts are not original to me.

The Boomers were mostly raised by people who'd survived the Depression and WW2. The parents were deeply scarred by those experiences and told the Boomers they had to be 'tough.' The Boomers grew up in a world of plenty, and never had any idea of what 'tough' really was. Men like Reagan and Trump, who built their image as 'tough guys' never got within a mile of actual combat. This is perfect for Boomers who spent their lives avoiding real conflict while thinking of themselves as bad ass pioneers.

The other thing is 'Future Shock.' A sociologist named Alvin Toffler and his wife wrote a book back in the 1970s. The idea of 'future shock' was that as the Industrial Age died and the Digital Era bloomed, a lot of people would be unwilling/unable to adopt to the changing world. They woudl try harder and harder to keep the past alive, even if it meant killing the future.

The Presidency essentially sharing storylines with any predictable, tween drama. That’s totally normal and ok…