2 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This isn’t a big deal.

If you’re developing in Xcode, you did not buy an 8GB Mac in the last 10-years.

If you are just using your Mac for Facebook and email, I don’t think you know what RAM is.

If you know what RAM is, and you bought an 8GB Mac in the last 10-years, then you are likely self-aware of your limited demands and/or made an informed compromise.

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Judicial oversight is a thing at some point, right?

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Oh yeah, isn’t there an Adderall shortage right now?

The dude probably just isn’t cranked up on his normal level of amphetamines.

I bet he keeps falling asleep, gets even fatter, and is even less capable of following his own thoughts as the Adderall drought continues.

What a great time for him to be on criminal trial…

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And wedding ceremonies continue to get weirder and weirder.

So they are getting rid of digital downloads. Terrible news

They are not getting rid of downloads.

I do not appreciate seeing click bait on Lemmy. Please join me in reporting this post as clickbait.

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Grossman, now 60, was speeding behind a car driven by her then-lover, former Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Scott Erickson, when she fatally hit the boys, prosecutors have said.

Who the fuck is this person?

As another commenter noted, she’s just listed as a “socialite”—translating to “unemployed idle person of/from wealthy family”. And on top of being a socialite noted for founding a burn victim charity under her husband’s name, she killed a couple of kids while speeding behind her former MLB playing “lover”?

And the defense she offered was,* “If I had seen them, I would have avoided them”.*

No shit, lady. That doesn’t make you a good person. Her response makes it clear she has never experienced accountability for her shitty actions before.

“Listen, Judge—and you too, jury—if I was looking at all the things I was about to drive over, I would have totally not committed manslaughter. I really think I did a terrific job for how fast I was driving behind my lover. I really am the sort of wonderful person who would continue to drive fast and recklessly in a selfish fashion, and would even consider driving my vehicle into a tree rather than run over little boys (if I could see them) or change my behavior in any discernible way (I’ve never needed to before), or suggest that I am accountable for my actions (LOL). You see, when something bad happens (for me), it really needs to be someone else’s fault, or at least people should agree that whatever happened wasn’t that bad and I must have already suffered enough. Don’t you think I’ve suffered enough? I’ve probably suffered the most throughout this whole ordeal, out of anyone. I’m self-convinced everyone agrees with me and I can assure you that I lack the empathy to understand any other viewpoint. I think we are done here. Have the valet bring my car around, the Diamond Backs are in town and I’m feeling in a southwest sort of mood.”

His most damning action leading to Covid deaths happened about 18-months before the virus really hit.

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At some point, a long time ago, we collectively transitioned from viewing mass shootings as an alarming epidemic, to something culturally endemic to our way of life. It’s an effortless rationalization made possible by for-profit news and for-profit politics.

The “interview” is just cover.

My bet is Putin is vetting Tucker Carlson for Trump’s running mate.

Once Tucker kisses the ring, and likely commits a crime (or other misdeeds) on Putin’s orders (to serve as puppet-string kompromat for Putin’s plans), Putin will give the blessing for Trump to announce Tucker Carlson as his VP running mate.

Then, just imagine a 2028 Presidential bid from Tucker (win or lose in ‘24)…

Is his campaign manager Vince McMahon?

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Convicted felon Donald Trump's spiritual advisor resigns after admitting he sexually assaulted a 12-year-old child.

Minor edit.

The last two dem>gop Presidential transitions followed a similar template.

When Clinton handed off to Bush, he warned of Osama Bin Laden as priority #1–the Bush whitehouse welcomed the idea as a pretense to invade Iraq, so nothing was done and the attacks happened.

When Obama handed off to Trump, he warned of pandemic threat and the response team which was put together to mitigate a pandemic’s spread before reaching US shores—the Trump Whitehouse did less than nothing, they actually shut down the response team and welcomed the pandemic to come (likely at Putin’s direction, I can’t imagine Trump being so selectively focused on budgeting, unless directed by his boss).

Again, you are assuming too much.

In the first link I provided:

Buy music from the iTunes Store: If you don’t subscribe to Apple Music and you want to add your favourite songs or albums, you can buy and download music from the iTunes Store. And if you previously purchased items from the iTunes Store, you can download them to your authorised computers and devices (up to 10 total).

Look up the actual commandments from Christian mythology—it is weird as shit.

First, it makes the Christian god come across as super-insecure.

Then, it just lists extra-obvious shit—like, “Wow, I am so relieved the magic man in the sky told me not to murder or steal, because otherwise I would be totally murdering, and stealing, and probably coveting the absolute fuck out of my neighbor’s donkey right now”.

Why in the fuck does anybody believe this has a place in a public school?

Also, does Louisiana “actually” believe their government and system of laws is based in the Bible’s 10 commandments? It isn’t possible that the basic “don’t murder and don’t steal” shit is just universal? As far as Louisiana knows, non-Abrahamic societies are just totes chilly-willy with living “The Purge” every single day?

And somehow posters will answer this question nobody asked? Cool.

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She causes a “disturbance” at a venue she is on the board of?

Seems like a Trumpian playbook move to use your celebrity and political office to influence your personal investments.

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Tarrio’s sister, fiancée and mother also made statements before the court, pleading for leniency and addressing him by his real name, Henry.

I’m reading that as single person with three titles.

I don’t disagree that 8GB is generally less than I would accept for normal usage, but the way this article is written you can tell the author really doesn’t have any reasonable grasp of memory management.

As an environmentalist, I’m so relieved they are not simply going to waste.

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Whether he’s marrying them or deporting them, he can’t help but make life miserable for immigrants.

Manufacture date 10/96?

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I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but the man didn’t do anything without the combination of someone telling him to do it and somehow that thing being made worth his while.

So, why the hell would he decide/be-told to disband the US Pandemic Response team in May 2018?

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NBC has a show called “The Nightly News”, and from 2017-2021 the writing was completely insane and the main characters were basically cartoonish villains, but it was hard not to watch. There were tons of other viewers and an ungodly number of fan sites online to discuss the various sub-plots and characters.

By early 2020, one of the 2019 sub-plots went completely viral and millions of people didn’t even leave their houses.

In late 2020, one of the main characters was voted off the show and it became a whole “thing”. The writers, ultimately, didn’t really remove the character—just minimized him to a series of courtroom B-stories, and the occasional fan-service appearance.

The show is still on, but I think it must have different show runners these days.

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1st, I doubt he cares or even thinks about it.

2nd, if we’re talking about his actions leading to deaths, I’d say this one is his top-performer (5/10/2018):

I have the “opportunity” to invest in a platform which has operated for years without ever turning a profit?

This is known as “Eloning”, and I am not interested.

The “interview” is just cover.

My bet is Putin is vetting Tucker Carlson for Trump’s running mate.

Once Tucker kisses the ring, and likely commits a crime (or other misdeeds) on Putin’s orders (to serve as puppet-string kompromat for Putin’s plans), Putin will give the blessing for Trump to announce Tucker Carlson as his VP running mate.

Then, just imagine a 2028 Presidential bid from Tucker (win or lose in ‘24)…

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You can 100% continue to purchase content and add to your library. Just because the apps have split (as they already have on Apple’s own platforms), does not mean you can not download purchased content or continue to purchase new content for download.

Buy music from the iTunes Store If you don’t subscribe to Apple Music and you want to add your favorite songs or albums, you can buy and download music from the iTunes Store. And if you previously purchased items from the iTunes Store, you can download them to your authorized computers and devices (up to 10 total).

Darth Boomhauer

You can 100% continue to purchase content and add to your library. Just because the apps have split (as they already have on Apple’s own platforms), does not mean you can not download purchased content or continue to purchase new content for download.

Buy music from the iTunes Store If you don’t subscribe to Apple Music and you want to add your favorite songs or albums, you can buy and download music from the iTunes Store. And if you previously purchased items from the iTunes Store, you can download them to your authorized computers and devices (up to 10 total).

After watching the video clip, I’d say that’s about the highest degree of self-awareness I’ve ever seen from Trump.

This Woman’s World article discusses the topic and provides supporting citation in the form of embedded links to various sources.

My tools?

Wired: DeWalt

Battery: Makita

Pneumatic: Bosch

Hand: whatever’s in the box…

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That’s Rigel III, but it wasn’t always called that. It was the independent nation of Esperant before the Daystrom Institute was awarded the land following an extended military conflict with Staten Island 6.

The base already uses a coal/oil plant for 33 megawatts of power. The micro nuclear reactor would augment 5 megawatts to start, with expectations to expand once up and running.

Clearly, all those brand new Mercedes-Benz drivers are regretting not opting for the used 2008 Hyundai Santa Fe they could have had. Live and learn…

It isn’t just about his reactive actions to the pandemic.

His proactive efforts to hasten the pandemic is more damning.

May, 2018:

You can 100% continue to purchase content and add to your library. Just because the apps have split (as they already have on Apple’s own platforms), does not mean you can not download purchased content or continue to purchase new content for download.

Buy music from the iTunes Store If you don’t subscribe to Apple Music and you want to add your favorite songs or albums, you can buy and download music from the iTunes Store. And if you previously purchased items from the iTunes Store, you can download them to your authorized computers and devices (up to 10 total).

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That was an entertaining podcast, thanks!

“Helicopter: A thousand moving parts looking for a place to crash”


Simon & Garfunkel; Mrs. Robinson

Jesus loves you more than you will know


She’s a slut more than you could know—whoa, who, whoa!