Another example of shrink flation... oh, my beer... to Mildly – 546 points –

That's, what, 7% less...


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Shrinkflation still happens, you just get to watch two numbers go up now.

The whole idea by shrinkflation is to hide it from the consumer. By having compareable size standard, you see them doing this. So, no, in this example you only see one price go up. The item price stays the same (since the item size/ammount went down), but the comparable price went up AND you can see it.

This is true but do you remember the liter price you paid for laundry detergent or do you remember that you bought it for $14?

I'd wager that most people are in the latter, even if they are completely informed of shrinkflation.

For me the liter price I use when trying to figure out if a sale of the 1 gallon is actually cheaper than the 2 gallon normal price (or whichever units of measure for an item).