Russians accused of carving swastikas on captured Ukrainians to World – 480 points –
Russians accused of carving swastikas on captured Ukrainians

A Ukrainian soldier named Serhiy, returning from Russian captivity, has reportedly been found mutilated with swastikas carved into his forehead, as disclosed by Dr. Olexandr Turkevich, who is treating him.

The soldier, blindfolded during the ordeal, claimed Russian soldiers threatened to dismember him, citing accusations of fascism.


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I think climate change is one of the biggest issues we are facing today and we need immediate action.

And yet, I think this is such a shit take in this thread.

Yes, all humans are causing climate change, but the Russian government and military are insanely evil and are on a path of genocidal destruction.

Arguments like yours only hurt the climate change cause as you alienate people.

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