
Cevilia (she/they/…) to – 654 points –

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As a new user is there somewhere I can understand more about this defederation stuff? I'm just picking it up as I go and trying to piece it together

I guess just follow the meta posts of the big communities.

From what I understood:

  • Nearly all the big instances defederated exploding-heads, which is one of those "we do not restrict your speech" instances (which we know is just a dogwhistle for nazis are welcomed here)
  • Beehaw defederated and because they didn't want the flood of July 1st users to go shitpost in their subs until better moderation tools are available.

That's all for now I guess.

This is basically it. People are making it into a bigger deal than it is. Beehaw is specifically and purposely created as a safe space. That’s been their mission statement from the beginning. It’s incredibly easy to not make an account there if you’re not into that mission.