16 Post – 366 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sure bud, pirating some Microsoft Studio video games and windows ISOs right now. What? I found them on the open web!

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I actually never thought of it like that, if you're not partaking in the trade of fossil fuels, you are removing yourself from a lot of potential conflicts and "who support who" ordeals.

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Good. Either big tech chip in and start helping maintain the LTS kernels or pay a respectable salary to those who maintain it.

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Americans don't know it yet but even the third world has better internet speeds than they do.

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I like to use Denuvo as an indicator of a bad release. For someone with over 3k hours on PAYDAY 2, I just cancelled my preorder.

Thank you for the fun times OVERKILL, sad to see you go this way.

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Nitter link.

Also, the Chromium forks need to get onboard. I think Opera doesn't care about ads either so it will likely go against it but Microsoft will definitely add it to Edge.

Use Firefox :)

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Just because you're paying $10 a month does not mean that Meta will stop farming your data. Sure, they won't shove you any ads, but they will stockpile data for the day you decide that $10 (it's not really $10.. they will increase this price 2-3 years down the line once they feel they had gathered enough users, the Silicon Valley way) and then pump you with ads that cater you.

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In the software world, based on personal experience and the UNIX philosophy, software should aim to do one thing and do it really well.

Then there are also the bloat complaints (why should I download a whole stack of arr services when I only care for movies)

The most unfortunate one however can be them mixing. If my child looks up Star Wars but instead the suite ends up downloading a Star Wars porn parody.. that’s just.. bad

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In the article he states that he kept clicking on those ads on purpose, in order to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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Musk is about to learn why getting rid of the content moderation department wasn't very cost-saving to the operation of his platform.

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Something tells me you’re keylogged if you keep cancelling, ordering new ones and getting pwned within days of the new card arriving. Format your computers. Use more open source tools whose code you can audit. Firefox instead of Chrome, no sketchy extensions like Honey and cash back stuff. If you pirate stuff, try to do it from verified sources.

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I think that the main problem with hosting videos on this platform is the amount of space. Keep in mind, Lemmy runs on donations, it does not have venture capitalist backing of any kind. So even if the support for videos (or gifs) eventually comes, it will either be very restricted (i.e. max 8mb uploads, similar to Discord's free tier uploads) or disabled entirely by the instance admins because the cost for hosting video will be just way too much.

Time will tell, I guess, for now there's no video support being mentioned anywhere on GitHub issues, so it is likely not planned.

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And the enshittification continues..

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Sweden doesn’t fuck around when it comes to their Unions. They obliterated toys r us they’ll obliterate Tesla too

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I don’t know where you’re from and therefore don’t know what laws affect you but unless the ISP is involved in the media game (i.e HBO & AT&T) they don’t care about restricting access. In fact, they’re against it in most scenarios because if a competitor that doesn’t restrict access to piracy related websites exists, that competitor is likely to siphon customers from ISPs who impose restrictions.

On top of that, most ISPs do the absolute bare minimum to restrict your access so that you can bypass it easily, the most common being the modification of DNS records which you can easily bypass by changing your resolver.

TL:DR blame your lawmakers not your isp

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Nothing says "We're confident in the software we're selling" like willing to work for exposure in hopes that somebody shills $20 for a subscription.

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Just because it's not sold doesn't mean they're "critically endangered". You can get most if not all ROMs on the internet.

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It's a DRM scheme to protect against piracy. Over the years I saw more and more shitty titles use Denuvo on release because God forbid someone steal their cash grab. A lot of titles that are of quality usually do not see the need for Denuvo.

Therefore, nowadays, for me Denuvo serves as an indicator of a potentially shitty release. They slap Denuvo on top of it so that they can pump & dump.

Maybe I'll buy the game when it's on sale, but for now I am too skeptical, especially since slapping additional DRM on an already DRM'd game (it's multiplayer only and always online, unlike previous parts that allowed offline play) does not make any sense to me.

Data caps in 2024.. first world country.. allegedly.

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But.. why? The older versions are already out there on public trackers.

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Oh no.. I’ll become a cringe platform owned by a billionaire man child.

I'm so excited for the new.. reads feature updates.. full-screen ads?

Fuck off. This is why I will never purchased an "embedded" device.

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Good. I'm absolutely amazed how the biggest entertainment industry on earth is able to pay it's staff so little, as well as shit on them in benefits.

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Windows Phone: Electric Boogaloo

Imagine signing up to Reddit to discuss your gambling problems and then on the first sign on you get hit with this 💀💀

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What? Our Elon? Disregards security? I don't believe it.

This is hilarious. Thank God I never made an account on that cesspool.

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What I don’t understand is how an IP address used as an identity? If you have CG-NAT there’s a good chance you share your IP with 5-6 other people (even more possibly). Alternatively you can say I keep my WiFi open for guests so anyone can walk by my house and torrent on my IP (idk NL law but maybe the court will consider this negligence)

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Me driving with 155 phones in my car so Google maps thinks there’s a traffic jam anywhere I go

  1. Blocking the use of personal Google profiles with Google Chrome (Complete) Okta has implemented a specific configuration option within Chrome Enterprise that prevents sign-in to Chrome on their Okta-managed laptop using a personal Google profile.

This is one of the simplest things to achieve but it gets so much pushback from C-level it's frustrating. I tried to push this, once the personal accounts got revoked all hell broke loose, despite being a clear security vulnerability. It also doesn't help that they have these "sync" features nowadays that re-download all the extensions you have on other devices so only god knows what type of malware you're letting into your environment.

I read the thread and I kind of cringed inside. I understand the moderators of r/blind want to keep the resources & information accessible but they actually tried to negotiate and sort it out with Reddit according to their words and Reddit just didn’t give a fuck about them. What I would’ve done is just nuke the sub and move to Lemmy yet they continue to eat shit from u/spez

I feel for them.

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When vaultwarden supports this I’ll play ball. If I don’t have control over my authentication methods, then they aren’t my authentication methods.

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Every change will bring it's fair share of complainers, not much we can do about that. LILO to GRUB, SysV to systemd and now X11 to Wayland. No one is forcing your hand (unless you use a pre-packaged distro like Ubuntu/Fedora, in which case you go with whatever the distro provides), keep using X11 if you want stability, if you wanna dip your toes in bleeding-edge software and increase it's userbase to show hardware manufacturers that their drivers need to be updated (I'm looking at you, NVIDIA) then feel free to mess around.

Eventually the day will come when Wayland apps will simply not launch on X11 and you'll migrate too.

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Hell, I won't believe it even when I'll see it. Likely some loophole will be found to dodge this in one way or another.

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why is the brick highlighted and glowing?

God I hate these events. My company took a stance where it gives every team $100 per head that expire at the end of every second quarter and life couldn’t be better. We’re a small team of 5 people so we just use the money to occasionally feast or buy every team member a PS5 in order and we couldn’t be happier that our HR isn’t forcing us to attend company events.

If you’re in position of power please promote something similar, your employees will thank you

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When the day will come, and once I pay for something I have the ability to just hit download and it will fetch an .mkv/.mp4 from a CDN, that’s when I’ll pay for it. Sadly that day isn’t even remotely close, so torrenting it is. Oh and fuck you WideVine.

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I find it insulting that you think my 9703 movie/1423 show library wasn’t legally acquired.

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Well.. that depends on who you ask. Some say that Teams being a part of the bundle is anti competitive (which it is). Outlook used to be only a mail client, so it made sense when it was part of the Office package, as one thing that an Office user needs, is an email client. Exchange servers had to be hosted by the company. However nowadays, you get the client and the infra for a subscription based model so it was kind of grandfathered in, I guess. If I as a company say I'm not interested in Teams and want to not pay for it as I do not plan to use it, msft will tell me it's not possible. Therefore, businesses like Slack can never succeed because I as a company will never look at alternatives if I already get a messaging app built into my Office suite.

I dunno, I'm just mumbo jumbing really and not a lawyer (or an EU citizen, for that matter). I just hate Teams.

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