How do I prevent hackers from stealing my debit card information? to – 90 points –

My wife and I keep getting our debit cards stolen online. We notice the charges and are able to dispute them and cancel our cards, but it sure is annoying.

We don't put our card information on suspicious websites. They're on well known websites like amazon and Facebook.

We ran out emails through a data breach checker and it found nothing.

I don't think there's any malware on our devices.

Any idea what could be happening and how to prevent it?


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Something tells me you’re keylogged if you keep cancelling, ordering new ones and getting pwned within days of the new card arriving. Format your computers. Use more open source tools whose code you can audit. Firefox instead of Chrome, no sketchy extensions like Honey and cash back stuff. If you pirate stuff, try to do it from verified sources.

whose code you can audit

More like whose code is audited by someone or someones you choose to trust. Let's be honest here, average Joe isn't auditing shit.

You mean you don't read the billions of lines of code contained in all of the open source apps that you use? Shame, shame... :)

It happens within months, not days. I don't use honey and I don't pirate. I use both chrome and Firefox, but maybe I should stick to Firefox.

Don't save your cards in browsers anywhere.

I cannot agree with this more. It maybe a PITA to have to enter each time but the peace of mind is worth it. Also, if you use a password Manger, which you you should be, do not keep the cars stored in there either.

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Is there a particular (probably online) shop or service you go back to?

Two times it happened to me one was a local gas station running a skimmer the other was an online hotel comparison site that turned out to be dodgy.

First was in local paper and caught a few of us out...the second my bank actually contacted me about saying it was dodgy

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