Done with Twitter and Reddit to – 1882 points –

I have been on the edge with twitter and reddit for a while and I have finally deleted my accounts that I have had for a very long time there. They are no longer the places I used to know, even more so with twitter. I am ready for my new time here and on mastodon.

Hello Lemmy


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Is there any app for Lemmy (Android) that scrolls without stutters every now and then? I tried Thunder and Jarboa and although the scrolling is smooth most of the times, but they stutter occasionally and the experience is not very intuitive. When I was on Reddit, I was using Infinity for Reddit which was smooth af. I am looking for an a Lemmy app that looks and feels like Infinity for Reddit.

Connect for lemmy has been pretty solid for me on this regard

I've been using Connect aswell, i think it's very good

there are a few things I'd change myself. For example to allow to sort by all the Top options (I typically use top 6 hours), and not hold you in a loading screen while waiting for a comment to submit

undefined> Connect for lemmy

Is that a closed source app? Could not find it on Fdroid or Github.

Oh I didn't actually pay attention. I got it on the app store

Not an app but try as PWA. The UI is same as that of Apollo.