Any Interesting (**Not** Disturbing) Podcasts? to – 151 points –

I used to listen to long form essays on Youtube. My favourite ones either break down the history of a conspiracy, teach me something new and cool about the world, or explore a hobby I've never been interested in.

I don't like the ones about killers or heavy drama. I also don't like podcasts that spend half the time reading the latest news from [topic] in verbatim .

What are some podcasts you can recommend me while I chip away at other things?


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I've really enjoyed all of these:

Great podcasts! Has a fair amount of blood, gore and torture though. No criticism but I thought it’d be fair for OP to get a heads up on that.

History is bloody business

So much yes. Highly recommend. I could listen to Dan Carlin go on about a topic endlessly.