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Joined 12 months ago

Exactly. Congrats!

Some, such as the Gun Violence Archive, include events in which multiple people are shot regardless of number of deaths, and so report much higher figures.

This carries a fun implication: let’s deflate the number of mass shooting by only including the deaths and not how many people are actually shot (and perhaps saved by emergency room personnel).

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We have a fork specifically for cat food. It’s different from all our other forks (we bought it separately) and it’s used exclusively for ‘mashing’ and dividing wet cat food.

We love our cats and we love to give them the food they like but wet cat food is disgusting and we’d rather not risk ‘cross contamination’.

EDIT: I know contamination isn’t t actually a thing but keeping a separate cat fork is a victimless crime ok?

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It’s basically a very short tunnel when you think about it.

The fediverse is bigger than just

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Isn’t your teacher teach you constructing English sentences ?

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You know how you sometimes get a pebble stuck under your shoe and walking just feels weird until you remove it?

That, but there’s no actual pebble.

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Renewing the license probably costs more money than what a nearly 10 year old game is likely to make.

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The far right co-opting the look and image of anything that looks ‘tough’ when they themselves aren’t? Who woulda thunk it!?

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OP said inconvenience, not acts of terrorism.

Similar story with Yesterday by the Beatles. Paul McCartney was convinced he had unconsciously plagiarized the song after he’d supposedly heard it in a dream.

Buy multiple chargers and charging cables for my devices. One on my nightstand, one on my desk, one in the living room and one in my work bag.

If it’s relatively cheap, buy multiples and spread them around so you’ll never have to look for it.

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Dutchy here.

Most, if not all, children learn to swim when they reach age five. Lots of water here, it’s pretty much a basic life/survival skill.

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Or just bury people without embalming them first? As a non-American I find it super weird that it’s the norm in the US. Why would you still do that anyway?

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It’s obvious Jack Black has maxed out his Charisma stat.

I just block communities that don’t interest me (eg. all hentai).

I tend to browse Subscribed but sometimes veer into All to find new stuff that might interest me.

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The Fellowship of the Ring. Probably the other two movies as well but this one stands out in my mind.

The first Pirates of the Caribbean as well. Back before they turned it into a franchise. Such a fun adventure movie.

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Pooping: one the one hand it feels pretty great. The sensation itself is nice as well as the relief. On the other hand, now you’ve got poop on your butthole that’s got to go.

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Calm down Satan!

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*sad Nintendo Switch noises

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It’s nothing rockstars haven’t done since there have been rockstars really. It used to be sort of acceptable but times have changed for the better.

Short answer: Sure, why would you need our approval anyway.

Longer answer: it’s a complicated conflict where shitty things are done by both sides and it’s probably not as simple as supporting one side over the other all the time.

I’d say a lot of it is politicians being political for their own gains and normal people (Israeli and Palestinian) getting fucked. But who am I eh?

Content is improving but the apps well! I’m currently using Voyager (wefwef) and it’s a lot better than when I started using it (around the great Reddit exodus).

The dev said they’d be scaling down support but it’s fine for now and even if it starts lagging behind for some reason there’s a couple of great alternatives as well (Avelon works very well for example).

I know what you mean and I think it’s because it had a rocky start. This generation of consoles was plagued by availability issues due to the chip shortage which made the transition period from the ps4 to ps5 a drawn out affair.

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Let’s not forget the fact that Varg is a right-wing bastard. Fuck him.

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This exactly. Bold of OP to assume that English is everyone’s first language.

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Good. I always thought the game lacked content and was a little on the short side.

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Besides all that, Waters is a dick really. Downplaying the role of the rest of the band in making Dark Side Of The Moon is a shit move.

First, don't refer to girls and women as females when using English. While accurate, it is currently a word tainted in that context by its use among incels and assholes, so it makes it seem like you're one of those.

Unless you’re Ferengi of course. That’s just their culture.

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And my reply wasn’t the most considerate either, I know but OP’s writing illustrates nicely why teachers could deserve some respect. Unless of course they’re total dickheads.

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At least it isn’t another freak autodefenestration. Those were starting to get boring.

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Well, well, well. If it isn’t the consequences of my actions!

  • Wagner guy probably

Socks and booze. But mostly socks.

Good for Sega. But have they released anything worthwhile recently? The OG Angry Birds was a fun game but I feel like they milked it with all its worth and people got sick of it pretty soon after.

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I think so too.

I’m thinking yes. Assuming their dietary needs are roughly similar. However, every cat I’ve ever know has been notoriously picky about what food they like and dislike so I’m assuming big cats are the same.

What? No love for the Millennium Falcon?

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Not OP and not a Muslim but it seems it’s a ‘commandment’ on charity to the poor.

He’s had that look long before Trump was involved in politics in an any (‘serious’) capacity.

Same thing for Dutch. For example, when we see 74 we pronounce it as four and seventy (vierenzeventig) and it makes no sense.

I guess it’s a Germanic language thing.

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