How do you deal with communities that don't interest you? to – 64 points –

So, how do you deal with communities that don't interest you? I personally block them, because I don't like them popping up on my All feed, but at the same time I don't want to switch to Subscribed because a new interesting community might pop up.

What's your strategy?


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I just block communities that don’t interest me (eg. all hentai).

I tend to browse Subscribed but sometimes veer into All to find new stuff that might interest me.

Same here.

So. Much. Hentai. Don't forget the furries too - almost as many furry communities as hentai.

Same with all the weird female celebrity worship porn communities, there are so many and I’m so weirded out by people jerking off to normal pictures of these women simply existing

Maybe it's just a carryover from my time in reddit where I never ever chose to look at /r/all but y'all are making me glad I stick to just my subscribed feed

I like to browse all to find new communities, my subscription feed isn’t robust enough yet to fully support my browsing

Yes! I forgot about those but they're also on the (auto block) list.

The guys in those communities probably get a hard-on when the female cashier at the grocery store tells them to have a nice day

And the furry/hentai crossover communities too. I’m pretty sure those exist because it’s the internet.