3 Post – 215 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

They definitely think they’re the good guys, both the men and women. Not many people knowingly choose to be villains. They are convinced that their ideals are just and true, and their opponents are godless child-murderers and rapists.

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am girl

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I’m not sure of the answer, but generally not everything has to have an evolutionary benefit. As long as it isn’t detrimental to a species reproducing, it will continue to exist in the population.

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“Wind forms when the sun heats one part of the atmosphere differently than another part. This causes expansion of warmer air, making less pressure where it is warm than where it is cooler. Air always moves from high pressure to lower pressure, and this movement of air is wind.” source

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  • Use software from only the most reputable sources

everyone using brand new lemmy apps from random developers: 👀

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I play the sims sometimes. A few years ago I realized that I only really enjoy it when I have a fully fleshed out story of every sim in the game, their relationships to each other, their personalities, etc. So I began the extensively tedious task of making a save like that. I have an excel file with hundreds of lines of text and several sheets detailing every personality trait, every relationship, their hopes and dreams, their ages so I can age them all up appropriately, and more. I also use it to make sure that I have a balanced amount of traits/goals, since the NPCs as EA made them are almost all identical with very small differences (~60% of them had the “family oriented” trait, and if they had that there was a very high likelihood they had the cheerful trait). I will work on it obsessively for a few weeks at a time then stop for months, repeat 1-3 times a year.

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You stand up to wipe your ass?

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I am the person who made the villain comment. No, we don’t think you actively go around acting like villains from cartoons lol. But while you quietly enjoy your life, you vote for and support policies that cause direct harm to tens of millions of people. You care about the things that impact you, but not about people you don’t relate to. The people you vote for spread hateful ideas that lead supposedly good, Christian conservatives to commit violent crimes because they think the trans person they meet is automatically a pedophile.

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what drama? I used to play and was on the subreddit for a time, but it’s been a long time and I’m OOTL

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I vote to increase taxes every time, so very recently. Sure it would be in my best interest to hoard my money, but I care more about everyone having access to healthcare and social services, because I’m not a selfish person. Conservative policies are inherently selfish.

You cite gun violence, but right-wing politicians have absolutely no policies that aim to reduce gun violence. They oppose all forms of government social services and any gun control. When comparing violence between red and blue states/cities, per capita, red areas commit more violent crimes.

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this is a debate i did not know existed

skirt up feels right tho

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I just got to the sex scene with Shadowheart. Her white hair turned back to black for the cutscene lol

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Two small accommodations that have worked for me as a biochemist working in a lab.

One is that she needs to give deadlines for requests. She cant just say “get that to me ASAP” because does ASAP mean drop everything and do it now, stay late to finish what she needs tonight, or end of day tomorrow, etc. Or “hey I need ____” with no specified timeline, doesn't work. She knows that my time blindness means I don’t remember how long ago she told me to do something, and I’m so busy with other shit that I easily lose track. I think it’s been two days, it’s actually been two weeks. She now gives me due dates. It’s less stressful than never knowing when she actually needs something.

Another is if I’m running an experiment then I can’t listen in to meetings like everyone else, because I get distracted and fuck up my experiment. My boss knows that if my experiment is the higher priority then I won’t attend any meetings during that time, and she’s fine with it. If it’s an important meeting I have to plan my experiment around it, or just do it another day.

I’m not sure if these qualify exactly. I didn't have to go to HR to document my disorder and request these accommodations, I just talked to my boss as these things became problems.

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I’m glad you feel that way. I have a lot of family down south who 100% think we’re all evil and that our explicit goal is to destroy America. Even in this thread there is someone saying liberals want to murder babies.

ADHD meds and therapy. I tried a ton of different methods, but ultimately I was procrastinating for two reasons. 1) my brain finds the things I need to do under stimulating, which feels like pulling teeth, so it looks for stimulation elsewhere and draws me to a different task. ADHD meds give my brain the proper amount of stimulation/reward for doing things that need to be done. 2) for a variety of reasons, I had an underlying current of anxiety around the possibility of failure. Much easier to avoid failure if you avoid ever doing the task. Therapy helps me reason through the anxiety, and realize that I am essentially already failing by not trying, so trying involves a risk of success rather than a risk of failure.

Edit: I still procrastinate plenty, but significantly less than I used to. It no longer reaches a point of nearly ruining my life, now it is just an average level of procrastination compared to my peers. Instead of avoiding tasks for weeks, months, or years on end, I avoid them for a few hours, maybe days at most (if I have the luxury).

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OP just asked how people tell their SO they want to have sex, not how to convince their unwilling partner to have sex. Plenty of people wind up in phases of their relationship where they aren’t having sex as often as they would like, which can be the result of many different factors outside of the relationship. Particularly if they’ve been together for a very long time. It doesn’t mean anything is wrong with the relationship.

Donkey (from Shrek) on C7

I have a plan 😎

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idk, but maybe cause your comment implies that this post has a political agenda instead of just being shared because it’s a legitimately mildly infuriating issue

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we just get a bit more handsy than usual and make sexy eyes at each other, it works well

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pronouns, gays, and women are scawy :( oh no whatever will the fragile men do now that they aren’t the only face of video games 🥺🥺🥺

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I had strict parents growing up, they probably want the computer in a visible location so they can make sure OP isn’t watching porn or something

Yay! I was really upset that the only sport I enjoy watching had chosen to go backwards to such a bullshit hateful policy, very happy to hear they reversed the decision. Good on Travis Dermott for protesting this, way too many players didn’t give a shit!

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well i am now


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If they’re a good cop, sure, in that one regard. Not many good cops these days, the system actively punishes and removes good cops.

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Yes lol. I actually don’t really get to play when I do this, but my goal is to have one save that is 100% designed by me (well, except the architecture, that I leave to the people on the gallery)

Yes! Earwax is slightly acidic (~6.1 pH) while acetic acid is more acidic (5% vinegar is ~2.5 pH) so the earwax acts as a base in this reaction.

ETA: there may be other things it is reacting with as well, like leftover soap, but this is how acid base reactions work. A chemical does not need to be above pH of 7 to act as a base. The more acidic compound will give its extra hydrogen to the less acidic compound.

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I’ve never experienced the toilet auto flushing just from me leaning over. Maybe I’m just lucky that all the toilets I’ve used have been properly calibrated for use, and yours haven’t for some reason.

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she refuses to accept that trans women are women because she still views them as men who just dress differently, she equates sex to gender

half the porn on this site is furries and gay men, yet OP only thinks the girls have no self-worth/dignity and are stuck in teenage attention seeking 🧐 in addition to having scrambled dick for brains, OP is sexist

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Not OP, but usually this is the result of people not having money. Tires are absurdly expensive

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This is one of the reasons I love the movie Fargo. The scene where the cop’s husband is eating cereal, she leaves and we sit with his crunching sounds for a bit, then she returns like “I forgot my keys” or something. I find that scene hilarious and the whole movie has lots of real moments like it.

I struggle with realistic dialogue where lots of people talk over each other tho, it gets very loud and incomprehensible very quickly, but that is usually the point of those scenes. I also struggle with that irl lol.

This is the first movie I ever pirated, specifically because of this bullshit pricing. Now I have a VPN and a 500 GB server, which I’m sure will need to be upgraded at some point lol

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The only way I can see to fix the healthcare costs is regulation, which conservatives vote against every time.

Enforcement of current laws is definitely an issue. Cops refuse to enforce policies they don’t like, and they send domestic abusers right back to their families to continue abusing. I am having a hard time finding statistics for the catch and release of violent criminals, do you have one that shows they comprise a significant or majority portion of violent crime? I see a lot of assumptions from conservatives that illegal immigrants cause the majority of the violent crime in the US, but I never see the data to back it up, so it just comes across as racist.

Looking at the account, they post 1-2 a day, skipping some days. Is that really too much for you? I’m questioning your definition of “dominate” here. It hardly counts as posting “all day”.

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Well, mens pants don’t fit most women. If the pants fit our waists, we can’t get them over our thighs/hips. If they fit our hips, they’re enormous on the waist. It’s already a bitch and a half to find women’s pants that fit, much less trying out men’s pants.

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I saw a great response to that on this community (or on Reddit, can’t remember). Sure, ADHD is like a superpower. It’s like being able to fly, except you can’t choose when you start flying, how fast you fly, which direction you fly in, or when you stop flying.

You look great, your hair is a lovely color, and I love your outfit! The pairing of green and muted/darker reds is great, it’s one of the few ways to pair green and red without giving Xmas vibes and you nailed it. Also stellar pattern mixing, it is really hard to pair plaids in similar colors but these go great together. I hope your birthday turns around and you end your day on a good note OP, you deserve to be happy today (and every day) :)

I tried, my local pharmacies ran out within days. Waiting for them to restock, they can’t give me an estimate. Not sure why they predicted they would need so few doses, we live in an area where most people are vaccinated

I just lump it all together with motion sickness

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