Do the right wing women in relationships with right wing guys think it's like a draco malfoy thing where they're a good guy underneath? to Ask – 168 points –

do the right wing guys think it's like a draco malfoy thing where they're a good guy underneath?

like when it's like a lady and a cop and the lady seems like a normal sorta boring suburban lady

do you know what i mean. this is one of the things where if you try to ask an AI bot it yells at you


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They definitely think they’re the good guys, both the men and women. Not many people knowingly choose to be villains. They are convinced that their ideals are just and true, and their opponents are godless child-murderers and rapists.

They 100% think they are the good guys.

I know for sure, because they are my close family members.

Those who supported the KKK, Nazis, confederates, slave owners and apartheid leaders.

They all have in common that they saw themselves as the good guys and saw the other people as bad or naive.

This has been my experience with my own family, neighbors, coworkers, etc. They think of themselves as the good guys "standing firm" against the hoards of those "scary other people" who want to take their guns, raise their taxes, and wage war on Christmas. Even though what those "other people" really want is affordable healthcare, education, and housing.

Right. If the 20 teens and 20's taught me anything, it's that everyone has a story going on behind their eyes and they're always the main character/hero in their own story.

Perception is reality as they say. Some people buy into that a little too hard.

No, we don’t think you’re evil. We think you’re good hearted but mistaken about what works and what doesn’t.

I’m glad you feel that way. I have a lot of family down south who 100% think we’re all evil and that our explicit goal is to destroy America. Even in this thread there is someone saying liberals want to murder babies.


I think YOU need to go meet some conservatives, because I have absolutely heard that exact terminology from some of my conservative relatives.

Don't downvote this just because you disagree with it - we need people with different views for this site to thrive

Edit - I'm sorry for the suggestion, please fire up the echo chamber

If their job is a cop, then they'd be somewhat correct in that notion?

There's a lot of stigma around cops now

And tbh most of it is deserved

Yeah, the rotten apple nonsense has been shown to be just that. The Met in the UK have been repeatedly shown to be institutionally racist and sexist

Yeah, it's the expected outcome when you grant a group of people a monopoly on violence but with insufficient to non-existent incentives for good behavior and insufficient to non-existent disincentivizes for bad behavior.

That's exactly the opposite of nonsense; it's proving the point. They get called "bad apples" specifically because the idiom is that "a few bad apples spoils the bunch."

The people who say "it's just a few bad apples" as if that excuses it are the ones who don't have the slightest fucking clue what they're talking about.

No, the theory is that removing a few bad apples is all that's needed to solve the problem when it's actually systematic.

The barrel is the problem.

If they’re a good cop, sure, in that one regard. Not many good cops these days, the system actively punishes and removes good cops.

All Cops Are Bad because good cops don't last long. You're either doing bad shit, standing behind the thin blue line while you watch other cops do bad shit, or you're getting harassed and bounced out soon.

All I can offer her is anecdotal evidence heard from retired officers but they made it sound like this is a problem in every department. Maybe not to the same degree everywhere, but in general bad things happen to people who follow the rules when the rules implicate wrongdoing on the part of another officer. Weather that's shunning, teasing, pranks, being assigned to only specific duties or shifts, or worse is gonna depend on the situation. The impression I got was this was commonplace and most officers understand the unwritten rule to not report thing little things (and sometimes even the big things) that could get a fellow officer in trouble. It works too because at the end of the day you gotta entrust your life to the people you ratted on, people who know how to make things look like accidents and have a network of people that will vouch for them.

That heavily depends on the department. You can have good cops in one department, and a bunch of crooked cops in another.