14 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

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wait is THAT why my mint edge iso randomly fucking sends me back to login screen??

Been using Mint for about a month now on my daily laptop. It's nice, not having to deal with windows' bullshit, but on the other hand I've had a number of issues with it; most recently, it sort of reboots itself every so often randomly. That, and issues with not being able to hear high fidelity audio on a bluetooth headset while also using the headset's mic (there's a codec that let's me use both mic and audio, but the audio is low quality).

Usually though issues get fixed with an update, just gotta check the update manager often.

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ooh boy, and I was going to do pop!OS on my main rig thinking mint wasn't good for gaming.

Who out here getting three girlfriend 😭

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It's possible someone drew this as practice/as a meme and that there's no sauce to be had.

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Pretty much yes. Some guy on 4chan made a post detailing why Vaporeon is the best Pokemon to have sexual relations with, and it blew up.

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I just want to point out that the description beneath the image in the article is hilarious.

This is the worst possible take I've heard this week, probably this year.

You would fuck over thousands of people, in addition to creating a bar of entry for anyone wanting to post a video or start a channel. Like I genuinely don't even know where to begin explaining how bad this take is.

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I agree with national unrest and protests, but imo a civil war would be over before it began. America as a country hasn't been pumping billions into the industrial war complex for no reason; anyone on the other side of the people who control the military are fucked.

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Oh no! I hope no one spreads this highly contagious disease to me by kissing me right on my mouth! I sure hope no strong, muscular man cuddles me tight and accidentally infects me! That would just be the worst!

from the context you gave that's a totally normal question to follow up with. you did not fuck up, you dodged a bullet lmao.

Probably the latter. There's tons of logistical issues with trying to compete against YouTube, even without considering its monopoly; mainly, storing and hosting all that data requires enormous servers, and along with that is the cost of doing so. Then there's moderation issues; checking each video as it comes in to make sure it's not violating copyright laws or otherwise infringing terms of use, etc. Plus having enough staff to maintenance the servers and provide moderation. YouTube is already struggling with all of these, despite how enormous Google is; if I remember right, they actually lose money keeping YouTube both afloat and free.

If YouTube shut down today I'm sure someone would eventually try to create an alternative and might even succeed (provided they have enough resources), but right now since someone else (Google) is already taking on that ludicrously insane job, I doubt there will be any form of viable or worthwhile alternative.

Then again, I'm not an expert on the subject lol.

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Strange question, lol.

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Spore, there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

For anyone not in the know, Afroman, famous for the songs Crazy Rap (Colt 45) and Because I got High had his house raided by police. He got most of the raid on film and made the video into a music video.

there's a lot of abbreviations in the article that I don't understand or know lol. what's a BEV? HPEV? etc.

Good article tho. From my limited view prices definitely are a huge limiting factor for electric vehicles, though they brought up a good point about the charge times. I guess if people treated it like their phones (charge every night) then it wouldn't be a problem?

Honestly not surprised that demand has dropped for them though. Anyone who was interested in it has either decided it's not worth it or already has one. Price puts them out of most people's budget, and with rising costs and stagnant wages, people can't really afford to take on monthly payments anymore. The environmental friendliness of them is heavily marketed, but won't bring into effect the large scale, immediate change we need to slow climate change. Plus there's the whole Tesla thing with delayed shipping and paywalling features built into software (admittedly not up to brush with Tesla tho).

For a while they were a new, impressive technology, and while I still think they're cool, until they become very, very cheap and accessible, I won't be getting one. The fad is starting to die out.

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Wait what

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Holy shit that site is so bad on mobile

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Both are good

Don't worry, let this one cook for a while and it'll turn into the cool dystopian one.

right, but some people do, and by encouraging this, you're fucking over your fellow humans.

edit: There are also situations where you don't have a choice but to buy water bottles. maybe you're out of your home, your personal bottle is empty, and it's hot out. maybe you're at the airport. sure you could drink from water fountains, but what if they're nowhere near you? or what if they don't work?

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genuine question, what is the deal with fallout nv and subs?

Honestly same. I keep seeing them in different communities, someone should open an opossum specific meme community

fair point tbh, but I've seen (from my personal experience) the military and it's leaders are mostly conservative. idk much about civil wars and how they begin though; I'd assume we need people in strong political positions to lead a concerted opposition, no? otherwise it's less civil war and more rebellion/revolution?

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I'm CIS and occasionally have this thought.

I just scrolled through their posts. There are way more unbranded memes than there are branded ones. Like a 10 or 15 to 1 ratio, if not more

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Counter example: "I will protect your right to practice religion, even if I don't support religion."

There are some things worth protecting, regardless if you support it or not.

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Bro planned out his whole character arc

holy shit how strong are you already that you could casually lift or even hold 30 to 40 pounds for the duration of a beer??

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Holy shit that's so crunchy, can I get a version with less pixels?

Double check the wiki. There's a Revanced community on lemmy with an up to date version. I have Revanced YouTube and YT music on my unrooted phone and both work fine.

I kinda want to go hmmm but honestly that's kinda genius. I just hope he wasn't growing food in that garden.

Be the change you want to see in the world. I loved r/writingprompts, and the one on Lemmy is practically dead except for me posting a prompt about every day or so. I've been tossing memes from my collection into different communities just to get content out there too.

Got 10/20. The second photo really threw me for a loop. All the texture on the skin and and hair led me to believe human; I noticed the weird patch on the shoulder and the unnatural shine on the ear but excused it as technical flaws or something, chose human in the end. I really thought that corporate logo style drawing of the avocado was human, like it wasn't even a question for me and yet the fact that it was AI really surprised me.

Why's the tip of that bottle shaped like a penis?

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A friend showed me a video on Instagram where they did just that so it exists somewhere out there

I've tried roleplaying on Reddit before but I could never get the format of it. just feels really weird rping on a thread with multiple nested posts instead of one constant scroll. I feel like discord is better for RP

oh, Europe, yeah that makes sense. see I live in bumfuck America where they'll tell you to get fucked and then shoot your kid