10 Post – 688 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Weirdos. Back in my day, we woild cut out a nude body from playboy and glue it on a picture of Kathleen Turner, and we did uphill both ways in the snow! Darn kids and their technology!

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4chan uses fun new tech to draw swastikas, more at 11.

2 questions:

Can we eat non-carbon based life forms?

Can we fuck non-carbon based life forms?

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Whatcha wanna bet there aren't any death threats? Seems to be a go to for "we're assholes, but look at these imaginary assholes instead!"

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Mate, its an indirect usage. Thats how it was used back before the pronoun nonsense began. Ease up.

I would ask her directly, say that you want to know why you lose gen z workers.

Just remember that they're still early in their careers, changing jobs is about the only way to get a raise these days.

Some people are unfamiliar with Obama's drones.

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I wonder if hes going through a mental breakdown. Im all for him going down, but the way hes talking is weird.

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The first major issue is "How do I know it will work? How do I know the sacrifice won't be in vain?"

Even if I just up commit suicide, cutting my carbon emissions to zero, private planes will still fly, we'll still ship plastic trinkets across the pacific, still destroy habitat, etc.

Its defeatist, but unless we get the rich on board, shit sucks.

Ngl, its been downhill since that bloke pulled a rusty sword from that lake

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Sapiosexual means you have a preference for smart people. Its not a sexuality.

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When the metric is lines of code

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They happen to align with my values. I was raised Christian, and I only became agnostic in college, so that probably plays into it.

For example, abortion, I think murder is abohherent, baby murder especially so. I don't know when the right to life begins, so I err on the side of caution, at the earliest point, at conception.

Im not anti-lgbtq.

I dont hold contempt for atheism, I dont like /r/atheism

Christian nationalism is weird one because no one seems to know what that actually means. And hell, freedom of religion is one of the most important rights, right next to free speech.

I hope that helps.

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Nah, the police understand who is and isn't a target. That guy didn't have that.

I knew it was bad, but thats some nasty shit. How do you exist in 2023 and no have some sort of sewage system? 100% is not treated!?

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Farms and other such places getting shut down by newly built housing developments.

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Not without making a new model. AI arent like normal programs, you cant debug them.

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Typescript is great for catching long standing bugs in old legacy JS.

I agree, but this is not the app to die for.

Leftists claiming Stalin was right wing.

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Well at least is starting to look more and more like shit. Can't keep the servers up, keep defeding, absolute nonsense.

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You know, I came to lemmy because I was disgusted with the reddit admins and devs. And this shit just is not helping.

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I simply don't buy live service games. I hate them

Fifty bucks? Are the bits made of gold?

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Sad that Mathew Perry died.

Never even heard of it until now. Marketing failed to do its job.

Model trains. Sure, you can have a lot of fun with a 100 dollar toy train, but those brass engines are very shiny and very expensive.

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No disabled access almost everywhere, even in newer buildings.

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Not easy when your entire game is built on it. You'd most likely have to toss out your code and start from scratch.

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They've been saying shit since he got elected. Like honestly, shit or get off the pot.

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Right now, it's because Californians are moving to [insert right wing state] and turning it left wing.

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Explosion Loli? But Superior Blonde Crusader is right there! And she's the only character that would date any of us!

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I still don't get why anyone would go to Dubai, especially women

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Use ublock origin. It works fine and thats all it does.


There needs to be a "I use it for porn" option

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Thats fucking amazing and completely unity's fault. What engine in their right mind saves user preferences in the registry?

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Asshole works, but its not as rude.

The bigger question is, are you honestly that much of a prude?

I have actually. Spent a month there, in a city. Wasn't nearly as anti-immigrant before I went, then I realized just how differently some people thought and acted. Especially towards women, and especially what they think about sexual harassment/assault, especially against white women.

So yeah, I had a bad experience, just never really dealt with bad sewage.