3 Post – 188 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes, I’m all in on that!

Ever since joining Lemmy I’ve noticed this awesome trend towards a modernized retro internet. Self/web hosted blogs, sites and apps. Not all that commercial giant bullshit but an oldschool mesh of servers. Activitypub and stuff will be awesome in creating a new subset that is more in line with the original designs for the internet.

This guy fucks 👆

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I don't know about you but I was just waiting for an excuse. I ain't ever going back. It's a brave new world for me, part of shifting my whole suite to FOSS. Leaving the old internet behind me.

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Yeah I found out the same when I moved back to Iceland. Buying a used car? Renting an apartment? Staying up to date on the parents groups in school, kids sports, any events by any business or group? Contacting any person?

Being forced to hand over all my personal information just to do any of the above really doesn’t sit well with me 😑

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“Britain's National Health Service allowed blood tainted with HIV and Hepatitis to be used on patients without their knowledge, leading to 3,000 deaths and more than 30,000 infections, according to the 2,527-page final report by Justice Brian Justice Langstaff, a former judge on the High Court of England and Wales.”

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I like how you had the good sense to shut all us Linux fans the fuck up right at the start of your post 😅

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I believe most of us here block as many ads as possible by any means possible. I so rarely see ads that every once in while when I do (on other peoples devices) I'm shocked and disgusted.

Is enough for me. If I watch YouTube on mobile it's in Brave browser as that block the ads on iOS.

If I watch YouTube on my TV it's in which also blocks ads.

You don't have to live like that and I feel sorry for all the people that do.

All that being said I know what you mean, even the content itself is now saturated with ads, i.e. a word about our sponsor for five minutes at the start of any video...

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Hello generative ai image!

Just to back you up:

“The most common argument used in defense of mass surveillance is ‘If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’. Try saying that to women in the US states where abortion has suddenly become illegal. Say it to investigative journalists in authoritarian countries. Saying ‘I have nothing to hide’ means you stop caring about anyone fighting for their freedom. And one day, you might be one of them.”

The possibility that things might one day get better for humankind. We're long overdue.

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FYI dev has been moved to since youtube-dl is no longer maintenaned.


What was the effect of the reddit migration on reddit; nothing.

Here is the translation of the Danish text into English:

"Chaos and Confusion" during Exams after Word Update Ministry warns that Microsoft programs may cause problems for students with Mac computers during written exams.

For several written exams, students with Mac computers have experienced issues with Microsoft Word if they had the latest version of the program installed.

BY Thomas Prakash TODAY AT 10:42

High school student Silje Højer Lauritsen was about an hour into her exam on Thursday when her computer started having problems. Suddenly, her Word program began running slowly. The word processing program "froze," and she could not save her answers for the assignment in the marketing subject, where she was explaining companies' value chains.

  • It was really frustrating, especially because you are already so stressed and have so many thoughts during an exam, she says. Many of the other students in the exam room at the HHX high school in Risskov, Aarhus Business College, experienced similar problems. Silje Højer Lauritsen estimates nearly half of them did.

Problems at several high schools IT staff and teachers ran in and out of the room to help the students, and they ended up giving them an extra hour to complete the exam. However, not everyone succeeded.

It was almost as if it wasn't an exam anymore because there was so much chaos and confusion. SILJE HØJER LAURITSEN, STUDENT, HHX HIGH SCHOOL IN RISSKOV

  • I have a friend who had her assignment deleted because of it, and now she has to take a makeup exam in August, says Silje Højer Lauritsen.

At several other high schools in the country, the same problems have been experienced in recent days.

  • It caused a lot of unrest in the exam situation for the affected students, says Flemming Madsen, IT manager at Aalborg Business College. The problem is due to a recent update to Microsoft Word, which can cause the program to run slowly and crash for students with Mac computers.

'Use other programs, or take frequent backups' The Ministry of Education is aware of the problem and warns educational institutions that there may be issues with the latest version of Word and Excel for Mac users.

  • Users who have updated the programs to the latest version may find that the programs run slowly, freeze, and crash. This means that examinees are delayed in their work, and parts of their answers risk being lost, writes the Danish Agency for Education and Quality and the Danish Agency for IT and Learning in a message to schools.
  • We encourage institutions to inform students about this problem so they can take precautions, such as taking frequent backups or using other similar programs, the recommendation says. One solution could be to uninstall the new version and reinstall an earlier version of the program - downgrading Word from version 16.85 to version 16.84.

Help to solve the problem The Danish Agency for IT and Learning provides guidance on its website on how Mac users can solve the problem and downgrade to an older version of Microsoft Word.

Distracted from the task The ministry states that it is not responsible for the use of so-called third-party programs used by institutions and students and therefore does not have an overview of how many were affected by the problems. At the HHX high school in Risskov, Silje Højer Lauritsen felt that the IT problems made an already stressful situation even more stressful.

  • It was almost as if it wasn't an exam anymore because there was so much chaos and confusion, she says.
  • I felt that it took a lot of focus away from my tasks.

Microsoft apologizes At Microsoft, one of the world's largest IT companies, they regret that the latest update is causing problems.

  • We are aware that there may be issues with the latest version of some of our products for Mac users, reads a written response from Microsoft in Denmark.
  • We apologize for the inconvenience and take the problem very seriously. We are in close contact with our product team, who are working to solve the problem. In the meantime, we encourage all affected users to follow the recommendations to reinstall an earlier version and take frequent backups, says Microsoft.

When I was about 5-6 I had fever and couldn’t sleep. I lived in a apartment complex and my mom had the neighbour from the next apartment over for coffee so I was sitting in the neighbours apartment while they had the doors open into the hall. Well, there I was, sitting alone in the dark, watching some sappy teens have a heart to heart while suddenly the earth opens under one of them and it gets brutally eaten the fuck alive while the other one screams in panic and tries to rescue it. Had some unforgettable nightmares that night.

Fucking Tremors man.

While I like the general concept, it seems to me that Communia (which is a part of the Restless network) is basically just trying to profit off of and monetize people's suffering 😕. I say this after just briefly looking into all of the above.

Hopefully that's not the case, and if anyone wants to prove me wrong I'd be happy to hear it.

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For anyone looking for an alternative that's also FOSS:

For someone doing a study on LLM they don’t seem to know much about LLMs.

They don’t even mention which model was used…

Here’s the study used for this clickbait garbage :

Should’ve explained it to me man. I don’t want to go 4 links deep.

Yeah FOSS fundemental communists, we’re the worst echo chamber.


Maybe Codeberg or Gitlab would be better than Github.

I just forward my Gmail and use it as a legacy service while using proton as my new primary. Allows me to very aggressively spam filter in proton.

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This is great! Is it open source? The only thing I found missing was an about page.

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Yeah I've been using Gnome exclusively for about 3 years. Every time I help someone with their Windows desktop I'm always as surprised with the performance and general bad UX. Why is something hidden behind a 3rd hidden menu? Billions are being paid in licensing for this.


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Yes this is part of it.

What happened is Nixon fucked up fiat and fucked us all:

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80% of all apartments in Iceland have gone the same way this year.

And rent has gone up.

It’s around 30-40$ per m2 in Reykjavik.

I.e 2400$ for a crappy 850sq ft.

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Here are some privacy focused alternatives (only for android 😕):

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What are they doing this time and what should I have me and my boys switch to?

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I suspect the OP is trolling or phishing for material for his own post or essay. Why else would you post such questions in an open-source community? :D

"FOSS doesn't seem sustainable. Everyone can contribute, but how do they make a living?"

Your concerns about the sustainability of FOSS suggest that most contributors must be sidelining it for other income. However, major corporations have built their entire business models on supporting open-source software. Companies like Red Hat are testament to the economic viability of FOSS. Additionally, large tech firms like Google and IBM heavily invest in open-source, further ensuring its sustainability.

"It seems like most FOSS I’ve seen is a free, buggy, alternative to mainstream software."

You label FOSS as a 'buggy alternative,' but it's crucial to recognize that the vast majority of software around the world relies on open-source modules, functions, and frameworks. This isn't a coincidence; it's a result of rigorous maintenance and improvement by a global community of developers. Open source doesn't just run 'some' of the internet; it's the backbone of almost all modern digital infrastructure.

"What if every software became FOSS? Who would put in the free labor?"

Wondering who will contribute the labor misses the point that contributions to FOSS are often mutually beneficial. Developers gain career benefits, improve their skills, and sometimes even receive direct compensation. It's not 'free labor'; it's a collaborative economy of shared resources and mutual benefits.

"Would it simply be that everyone provides for each other? Everyone pitches in? What about people who have bills to pay?"

Finally, your concern about financial sustainability in a FOSS world seems to overlook the multiple ways people monetize their contributions, either directly or indirectly. Besides, the value of open-source contributions isn't merely monetary; it includes invaluable intangible benefits like skill development, community building, and personal freedom.

The questions you're posing have been practically answered by the existing and thriving open-source ecosystem. It's not just an idealistic notion; it's a proven, sustainable, and indispensable aspect of the global software landscape.

Where is that summary bot when I need it?

Here's me trying to save someone from the click bait title; "Birthplace of the Anthropocene For the Anthropocene, the proposed golden spike location is sediment cored from the bed of Crawford Lake that reveals the geochemical traces of nuclear bomb tests, specifically plutonium — a radioactive element widely detected across the world in coral reefs, ice cores and peat bogs."

Great work! Although I'm far too busy with other stuff I'd love to be able to contribute some Terraform when and where I can. Maybe you could put some stuff in a public repo so we might contribute?

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9gag? woah.

I like your comment, it’s honest and accurately describes how a lot of my views are formed.

Honey I Shrunk The Kids : The Video Game.

An open world game where you can explore and interact with the world in a large (2 houses and backyards?) map.

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I've really enjoyed all of these:

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Mentioning Brave is like subscribing to downvotes. 😅

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As a father of teenagers using TikTok I can tell that you'd be surprised how hard it is to constantly keep everyone vigilant and critical thinking.