Contrary to politicians' claims, offshore wind farms don't kill whales. Here's what to know. to – 373 points –
Contrary to politicians' claims, offshore wind farms don't kill whales. Here's what to know.

Unfounded claims about offshore wind threatening whales have surfaced as a flashpoint in the fight over the future of renewable energy.

In recent months, conservatives including former President Donald Trump have claimed construction of offshore wind turbines is killing the giant animals.

Scientists say there is no credible evidence linking offshore wind farms to whale deaths. But that hasn’t stopped conservative groups and ad hoc “not in my back yard”-style anti-development groups from making the connection.

The Associated Press sorts fact from fiction when it comes to whales and wind power as the rare North Atlantic right whale’s migration season gets underway.


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Like Republicans are anti-whaling anyways... 🙄

The selective outrage over animal rights is such manufactured bullshit. But if I am being honest, democrats, progressives and leftists are all equally culpable in these do nothing virtue signal outrages. If you are wearing leather, eating meat and financing animal factory farming, I don't wanna hear about your crocodile tears when an imaginary whale or a fictional dog is hurt.

If you are ... financing animal factory farming,

only bankers do that

What exactly do you think happens to the money you spend at the grocery store on bacon? It goes to the people producing it. And then they make more.

they were already paid before the store bought or received the bacon. and after you spend money, it's not yours and you can't decide what happens to it.

Lmao. I hope you are just trolling because that's a 2nd grade answer. There is no way you are a serious person who has serious opinions about the world.

you can’t decide what happens to it.

But what DOES happen with it? The store restocks.

But what DOES happen with it? The store restocks.

what happens when you buy beans on june 25? the store takes your money, and increases their orders of hotdogs and hamburgers using your money in preparation of july 4. the fact that the store is making that decision is not your fault, it's theirs. it's their decision to make.

There is no way you are a serious person who has serious opinions about the world.

this is a personal attack.... and an appeal to ridicule, not a rebuttal

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Imagine being a leftist and not opposing animal exploitation.


Cows are the finest example of the proletariat. The only service they provide to the economy is their body itself, so they are literally stripped of it to enrich others with more power, just an endless cycle of suffering.

The amount of cheese I had last night says otherwise

Cows also give us milk, which is a massive industry with lots of different products.

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