Lottery winner to Ask – 76 points –

If someone won $500,000,000 in the lottery, what would be the most effective way to spend it to change the political situation in America?

Edit: Asking for a friend. Also; as much as I appreciate the violent suggestions, I’m thinking more positively focused.


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You can't. That's not enough money.

Make the lives of your community better instead.

I think some of y'all are really overestimating how much politicians cost. I don't have a photogenic memory but I remember a few years ago on an article like this politicians were being paid like $70k.

photogenic memory

I can't decide if this is intentional boneappletea or not, but either way I love you.

There's a huge difference between what they're paid by the state and what their backers pump in to put and keep the 'right' (wrong) people in power.